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Home — US Gulf coast extreme precipitation 2016, 2017: time series

US Gulf coast extreme precipitation 2016, 2017

time series
CPC analysis 0.25°, 0.50°, 1.0° series FLOR transient runs 1861-2100: all grid points, spatial and annual max of 3-day means, spatial and monthly max of 3-day means,
FLOR transient runs 1861-2100: global mean surface temperature, ensemble mean.
FLOR 1860 control run spatial and annual max of 3-day means,
FLOR 1860 control run global mean surface temperature, Niño3.4, Niño3.4 detrended,
FLOR 1860 control run SST 30°S-30°N, SST Gulf.
HiFLOR grid boxes 1860, 1940, 1990, 2015, concatenated. concatenated annual max of 3-day precip.
HiFLOR 2×2 grid boxes 1860, 1940, 1990, 2015. concatenated.
HiFLOR global mean surface temperature 1860, 1940, 1990, 2015. concatenated.
HiFLOR Niño3.4 (detrended) 1860, 1940, 1990, 2015. concatenated.
HiFLOR Gulf SST 1860, 1940, 1990, 2015. concatenated.
HiFLOR transient runs 1971-2015 all 2×2 averaged grid points, spatial and annual max of 3-day means, spatial and monthly max of 3-day means.
EC-Earth 2.3 T799 precipitation along the Gulf Coast.
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