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Home — Time series: daily Nieuw Beerta prevailing wind direction

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daily Nieuw Beerta prevailing wind direction
dd [degrees] Vector mean wind direction (360=North, 180=South, 270=West, 90=East), Nieuw Beerta ( 53.20N, 7.15E, -0.2m, metadata), from KNMI climatological service, These data have not been corrected for changes in observing practices and the surroundings, last updated 2024-11-24, (eps, pdf, metadata, raw data, netcdf)
time series
Annual cycles, computed with all data available (Jan-Dec: eps, pdf, raw data,. Jul-Jun: eps, pdf, raw data).
Jul-Jun annual cycle of prevailing wind direction Nieuw Beerta Jan-Dec annual cycle of prevailing wind direction Nieuw Beerta
Anomalies with respect to the above annual cycle (eps, pdf, raw data, netcdf, analyse this time series)

Redisplay the anomalies using the years -
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