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Home — Metadata: open solar flux


open solar flux
Climate Explorer
Climate Explorer filenameRALData/osf_merged.dat
units10^15 Wb
long_nameOpen Solar Flux
Ascii global metadata
description osf [10^15 Wb] Open Solar Flux, Open solar flux by M.Lockwood, University of Reading kinematically corrected to remove folded flux,
file osf.dat
title osf.dat extended with osf_hist1.dat
institution KNMI Climate Explorer and University of Reading
references M. Lockwood, M. Owens, and A.P. Rouillard (2009) Excess Open Solar Magnetic Flux from Satellite Data: II. A survey of kinematic effects. J. Geophys. Res., 114, A11104, doi:10.1029/2009JA014450 ; M. Lockwood, M. Owens, and A.P. Rouillard (2009). Excess Open Solar Magnetic Flux from Satellite Data: I. Analysis of the 3rd Perihelion Ulysses Pass. J. Geophys. Res., 114, A11103, doi:10.1029/2009JA014449
aux_file osf_hist.dat
aux_institution KNMI Climate Explorer
aux_scale_factor 0.100000
aux_history user gj 2019-01-21 13:19:49 scaleseries 0.1 osf_hist.dat
history user gj 2019-01-21 13:19:49 patchseries osf.dat osf_hist1.dat none
converted ma jan 21 13:19:49 CET 2019
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