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11-apr-2022The Climate Change Atlas is converted to use python3.
14-mar-2022Fix for plots with transparancy (ghostscript options) and maps (updated version of NCL) in the Climate Change Atlas.
03-mar-2022Applied fix for plotting time series with the Climate Change Atlas and a fix for creating country masks that were not created in advance.
14-oct-2021In memoriam Geert Jan van Oldenborgh.

With deepest sadness, we share with you that Geert Jan van Oldenborgh (59), initiator, creator and maintainer of the Climate Explorer, sadly passed away on Tuesday 12 October. Geert Jan's contribution to climate science is immense and he will be sorely missed.
30-apr-2021Updated the Atlas to use ERA5, HadCRUT5 and 20CRv3.
04-jun-2020Making time series plots in the Atlas with tranaparancy works again (thanks Michael).
27-may-2019Fixed colour scale of Atlas sea level pressure plots (thanks Indrani).
16-may-2019The bugfix of two days ago does not work properly and I cannot find one that does, so I turned off PDF generation for Atlas time series for the time being. Please use the EPS or PNG plots.
14-may-2019Fixed a bug in the Atlas time sersies that I called the system ghostscript that does not support transparency, now call the one that does (thanks Michael).
18-apr-2019Added Reconstructed scPDSI for Australia/New Zealand Drought Atlas (thanks Jonathan)
28-dec-2017Fixed a bug in the Atlas that caused regressions not to work (thanks Simon).
11-jul-2018Chromium seems to submit forms twice, which can lead to corrupted data. I am trying to eliminate that but use another browser for the time being.
07-nov-2018Fixed a bug that caused mysterious error messages in time series generation.
09-feb-2018Added SREX masks for temperature observation analysis (thanks Wagner).
07-jan-2018For two weeks incorrectly propagated metadata in time series could have caused problems. This should be fixed now.
14-dec-2016Fixed a bug that prevented 20CR timeseries from being plotted.
12-dec-2016Fixed a bug that prevented extreme plots from appearing (thanks Sjoukje).
17-may-2016Fixed a bug that caused time series computations to stop with "reanalysis boundaries" (thanks Ousmane).
16-may-2016Added EUR-44 CORDEX data to the Climate Explorer and Atlas (thanks Urs).
12-jan-2016The storage server from which the Climate Explorer gets its data will be rebooted this day. This may degrade performance a bit.
05-jan-2016Added IPBES regions and subregions.
04-jan-2016Deleted spurious lines in the maps of Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, South Africa, United Arab Emirates and Uzbeikstan.
04-jan-2016The Atlas now also uses the whole page rather than only 800 pixels.
27-nov-2015Deleted the country Readme between Qatar and Romania (thanks Boris).
05-nov-2015The Atlas cache has been moved to a new data store, this should not make much difference.
24-sep-2015Deleted the MIRO-ESM and MIROC-ESM-CHEM Txx as it reached 80 °C in the deserts.
15-sep-2015Question: would RCM data (eg from CORDEX) be useful in the Atlas? Please contact me if you need other data.
12-may-2015Fixed a bug in the KNMI Climate Change Atlas: time series of some countries could not be computed (thanks Paul).
12-may-2015Fixed a bug in the KNMI Climate Change Atlas: RCP4.5/RCP6.0/RCP8.5 combined maps did not plot for the full CMIP5 ensemble (thanks Paul).
31-jan-2014Fixed bug that absolute and relative regression trend maps had the same file name, whichever was computed first would always be shown.
31-dec-2014Added states of the US.
20-aug-2014Removed INMCM4 and IPSL-CM5B-LR from the fd (frost days) ensemble because they have far too many frost days in tropical regions and Europe (thanks Claudia).
15-aug-2014Changed the presentation of differences in extreme variables that count the number of days (frost days, ice days, ...), so that areas with less than one day per year in the current climate stay white (thanks Claudia).
10-jul-2014Fixed a bug in the trends (regressions) where only one percentile plot was shown as the name was not unique across percentiles.
23-may-2014Upgraded CRU TS to version 3.21 (thanks Michael).
22-may-2014Fixed a bug introduced two days ago that prevented time series of seasons being computed (thanks Michael).
20-may-2014Fixed a bug that prevented non-linear trends of annual (extreme) data to be computed.
20-may-2014Fixed a bug that prevented time series of relative anomalies annual time series to be computed.
19-may-2014Switched to the CCCMA altcdd and altcwd to avoid problems in 2005 and 2006 in almost always dry/wet regions (thanks Slava).
19-may-2014Maps with the combined scenarios RCP4.5/RCP6.0/RCP8.5 now also work for extremes, where it is most useful (thanks Andreas).
14-may-2014Fixed a bug that for time series the scenarios would always be selected if they had once been selected (thanks Albert).
09-jan-2014Changed the way countries are treated: if a region (island) is too small to have a grid point in the interior it contributes proportional to its area. This way small countries still give a result, even though it may not be completely representative of the area of the country itself.
03-jan-2014Added all countries and autonomous regions of the world to the list of predefined regions. Please let me know if you prefer to have sub-categaries like I made for the Netherlands, France.
22-dec-2013Added soil moisture, please note that the reliability is not very high.
06-dec-2013Implemented remembering forms for nonimous users. This shoudl also improve the user experience on tablets and smartphones.
28-nov-2013Added CCCMA ETCCDI CMIP5 annual extremes, it looks as if I have fixed the bugs, please let me know if you find suspicious results.
21-nov-2013Added CMIP5 relative humidity.
16-nov-2013Added observational datasets.
13-nov-2013Added ERA-interim, 20CR.
13-nov-2013Added CMIP3.
13-nov-2013Regression-based trends also work now.
06-nov-2013Time series of relative changes over non-standard meteorological seasons still had a problem up to now, fixed (thanks Maarten).
06-nov-2013Time series now work well for relative and absolute values as far as I can see. Please disregard results obtained before now.
06-nov-2013Maps did not work for half a day due to a typo.
01-nov-2013I think I got the time series section to work as well. Please report bugs.
26-oct-2013Added evaporation, net water flux (P-E), Tmin, Tmax, specific humidity, surface solar radiation (downward) and sea-level pressure.
25-oct-2013Maps of differences of temperature and precipitation of other lengths now also include hatching.
17-oct-2013Maps of 20-yr differences of temperature and precipitation work and for the seasons in the IPCC WG1 Ar5 Annex I "Atlas" give the same results.
 Maps of mean of variable (to compare with changes)
 More regions (watersheds)
 Links to raw data of all intermediate results?
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