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Home — Field: E-OBS 28.0e+ Tmin


E-OBS 28.0e+ Tmin
more information error: time step negative at step 37975 37976 37974.000000000000 18264.000000000000 this corresponds to year 2023.7567839075307 ~ 2023.75952 Full metadata.

Get grid points, average area or generate subset
Mask:   add a mask to the list help
Latitude: °N - °N help
Longitude: °E - °E
Make: average max min set of grid points subset of the field help
Demand at least: % valid points in this region help
helpApply daily high/low-pass filter
cut-off value days
requiring at least % valid data
helpApply year-on-year high/low-pass filter
cut-off value years
requiring at least % valid data
helpCreate a field with lower time resolution
First fill missing data: ignore, climatology, trend, persistence.
Then apply: -day running mean with direction
Then apply new time scale:
New variable: of Tmin
Minimum: % valid data
helpCreate a field with lower spatial resolution
Average over blocks of longitude and latitude grid cells

Area with extremes
Compute area with annual -day average minimum or maximum extreme beyond 1 in 10 yr return values.

Compute annual cycle
Please download the data from the E-OBS website.
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