Climate Explorer

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The KNMI Climate Explorer is a tool to investigate the climate. Start by selecting a class of climate data from the right-hand menu's (Select a time series or Select a field). After you have selected the climate data of interest, you will be able to investigate it, correlate it to other data, and generate derived data from it.

Some restrictions are in force: the site does not remember how you filled out the forms, you cannot define your own indices, nor upload data into the Climate Explorer or handle large datasets. If you want to use these features please log in or register.

Global mean SST/T2m anomalies wrt 1981-2010 [°C] with 10-yr running mean (source: GISTEMP). More under "World weather"
Increasing trend in sea surface temperature anomalies (1981-2010)
19-aug-2024Upgraded CRU TS and scPDSI to its 4.08 version running up to 2023
13-jun-2024There was a technical problem at the hosting provider beginning around 19:00 UTC on 12th June and lasting until around 20:00 UTC on 13th of June. During this period, the Climate Explorer was unreachable. Apologies for the inconvenience.
13-may-2024Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 29.0e, but not for wind speed
25-mar-2024Updated CRU scPDSI dataset to 4.07 version (1901-2022)
18-dec-2023Tweaked extremeseries computation to match standard definitions more closely and added help documentation
07-nov-2023Added 0.5x0.5 global daily gridded temperatures (tmax and tmin) from NOAA/NCEP/CPC
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