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Home — Time series: daily VLIELAND maximum hourly potential windspeed

Time series

daily VLIELAND maximum hourly potential windspeed
Wind originally measured at 10.0 meter height; potential wind means: corrected to the wind speed at 10 m height over open land with roughness length 0.03 meter, VLIELAND ( 53.24N, 4.92E), upx [m/s] daily maximum of hourly potential wind speed, (eps, pdf, metadata, raw data, netcdf)
time series
Annual cycles, computed with all data available (Jan-Dec: eps, pdf, raw data,. Jul-Jun: eps, pdf, raw data).
Jul-Jun annual cycle of maximum hourly potential windspeed VLIELAND Jan-Dec annual cycle of maximum hourly potential windspeed VLIELAND
Anomalies with respect to the above annual cycle (eps, pdf, raw data, netcdf, analyse this time series)

Redisplay the anomalies using the years -
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