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Home — Time series: monthly Jakarta Raindays precipitation

Time series

monthly Jakarta Raindays precipitation
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Jakarta raindays, 1829-June 1997, values are those of Können, Jones, Kaltofen, Allan, Journal of Climate, 11, 2325-2339 (1998) (from AMS), 1829-1850 are the Tromp series; 1864-now are recorded by Jakarta Observatory (threshold 1 mm)., For the period 1956-1958 the Observatory reported the daily precipitation in full mm. In case the Observatory reported a daily precipitation of 1 mm, we counted the day as half a rainday., (eps, pdf, metadata, raw data, netcdf)
time series
Annual cycles, computed with all data available (Jan-Dec: eps, pdf, raw data,. Jul-Jun: eps, pdf, raw data).
Jul-Jun annual cycle of precipitation Jakarta Raindays Jan-Dec annual cycle of precipitation Jakarta Raindays
Anomalies with respect to the above annual cycle (eps, pdf, raw data, netcdf, analyse this time series)

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