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Home — Time series: monthly SNAO ucar

Time series

monthly SNAO ucar
Summer NAO index (PC of first EOF of SLP over 40-70N, 90W-30E July-August average over 1950-2010), based on the UCAR (Trenbert and Paolino) sea-level pressure reconstruction, SNAO [1] UCAR Summer NAO, (eps, pdf, metadata, raw data, netcdf)
time series
Annual cycles, computed with all data available (Jan-Dec: eps, pdf, raw data,. Jul-Jun: eps, pdf, raw data).
Jul-Jun annual cycle of  SNAO ucar Jan-Dec annual cycle of  SNAO ucar
Anomalies with respect to the above annual cycle (eps, pdf, raw data, netcdf, analyse this time series)

Redisplay the anomalies using the years -
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