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28-oct-2024Provide PDO from HadISST, COBE2 and ERSST5
28-oct-2024Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 30.0e
07-oct-2024Look and feel of side menu reworked. You may need to refresh your browser for the changes to take effect. Please report issues to the administrator.
30-sep-2024Switch to version 4.2.2 of EN4 objective ocean analysis
19-aug-2024Upgraded CRU TS and scPDSI to its 4.08 version running up to 2023
13-jun-2024There was a technical problem at the hosting provider beginning around 19:00 UTC on 12th June and lasting until around 20:00 UTC on 13th of June. During this period, the Climate Explorer was unreachable. Apologies for the inconvenience.
13-may-2024Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 29.0e, but not for wind speed
25-mar-2024Updated CRU scPDSI dataset to 4.07 version (1901-2022)
18-dec-2023Tweaked extremeseries computation to match standard definitions more closely and added help documentation
07-nov-2023Added 0.5x0.5 global daily gridded temperatures (tmax and tmin) from NOAA/NCEP/CPC
06-nov-2023Fixed handling of CERA-20C ensemble members
23-oct-2023Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 28.0e, including wind speed
29-sep-2023Upgraded CRU TS to its 4.07 version running up to 2022
28-aug-2023Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 27.0e
20-jun-2023Upgraded the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) to its version 3.0
20-jun-2023Due to maintenance at the hosting facility, the Climate Explorer CMIP6 data was unavailable for a few hours.
04-jan-2023Upgraded CRU TS to 4.06 running up to 2021
30-sep-2022A bot managed to generate about 80000000 tiny files, causing severe slowdown and server overload. Apologies for the inconvenience.
14-sep-2022Fix GPCC daily precipitation and update to its version v2022
06-sep-2022Add Berkeley global (land+ocean) monthly temperature
05-sep-2022Provide land-sea mask for CMIP6 inter-models comparison
23-aug-2022NOAA OI SST V2 and related el niño indices are now updated daily
23-aug-2022Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 25.0e for SLP
26-apr-2022Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version 25.0e (24.0e for SLP), and added wind speed
11-apr-2022The Climate Change Atlas is converted to use python3.
30-mar-2022The Climate Explorer server has been upgraded to a new OS.
28-mar-2022The operating system of the Climate Explorer server will be updated. The maintenance window starts at Wednesday March 30, 10:00 CEST lasts up to 2 hours.
14-mar-2022Fix for plots with transparancy (ghostscript options) and maps (updated version of NCL) in the Climate Change Atlas.
03-mar-2022Applied fix for plotting time series with the Climate Change Atlas and a fix for creating country masks that were not created in advance.
01-mar-2022The Climate Explorer is now running fully on new hardware. R has been updated to version 3.6.3. The SpecsVerification library has been updated to version 0.5-1.
22-feb-2022The CMIP6 data has become available on the new hardware and is now linked into the Climate Explorer.
22-feb-2022Updated ETHZ G-RUN reconstruction, now running up to 2019.
15-feb-2022The Climate Explorer is running on the new hardware. Access to the CMIP6 data has not been restored yet.
03-feb-2022Access to CMIP6 data has been restored. This is a temporary solution until the other data of the Climate Explorer has been transferred.
24-jan-2022The CMIP6 data is currently not accessible. Apologies for the inconvenience.
17-jan-2022New hardware for the Climate Explorer is available, but the Climate Explorer data still needs to be copied to the new location.
11-jan-2022Upgraded CRU TS to 4.05 running up to 2020.
13-dec-2021The upgrade of the hardware of the Climate Explorer turns out to have a dependency on one of its data resources. The upgrade is now planned in the week of January 17, 2022.
07-dec-2021An upgrade of the hardware running the Climate Explorer is planned for end of December. This should be transparent to users. However, there is some risk of disruption so please be aware. With apologies for any inconvenience caused, The Climate Explorer Team.
14-oct-2021In memoriam Geert Jan van Oldenborgh.

With deepest sadness, we share with you that Geert Jan van Oldenborgh (59), initiator, creator and maintainer of the Climate Explorer, sadly passed away on Tuesday 12 October. Geert Jan's contribution to climate science is immense and he will be sorely missed.
20-sep-2021An upgrade of my data scripts went wrong so that a lot of data had disappeated the last few days. Unfortunately my health only allowed me to fix it tonight. Please report remaining problems.
16-sep-2021Fixed KNMI daily data, Rutgers snow cover and Met Office Hadley centre time series. I think everything works again, please report problems.
10-sep-2021Back at work for a few hours per day after a disastrous round of chemotherapy. Fixed a bunch of errors in the update scripts, apparently nobody used the data that was not updated properly because no-one complained.
24-jul-2021Added the dispersion parameter σ/μ to stationary GEV fits (not yet in first screen).
14-jul-2021Added the possibility to make maps of station and field data how much previous records were broken.
30-jun-2021Extended ERA5 backwards to 1950 and added 0.25° North America.
30-jun-2021Updated GPCC monitoring analysis to v2020.
25-jun-2021CMIP6 monthly data of 40 models should be available in the normal interface, the Atlas will follow. Please report problems.
21-jun-2021I am working on including (finally) monthly CMIP6 data. The old dataset no longer works, I hope to get the new one up before the end of the week. It is more difficult than normal due to the side effects of the chemotherapy that I started a month ago.
13-may-2021Three DOS attacks from India and Jordania at the same time, running scripts t find standard vulnerabilities at a speed that the site cannot handle. Blocked now but the server did not respond for a while... I hope the new sysadmin can block his automatically using fail2ban in the near future.
13-may-2021The root partition managed to fill up in yet another way. Hope I fixed that too, it should work again now.
30-apr-2021Updated the Atlas to use ERA5, HadCRUT5 and 20CRv3.
26-apr-2021Oh irony... The Climate Explorer was non-functional due to a full partition and I could not fix it immediately because I was awarded a royal distinction for my scientific work and maintaining the Climate Explorer even outside office hours and when ill. I hope I found a more permanent solution than the last two times. System administration will soon be taken over by a professional.
22-apr-2021Updated CRU and UCAR scPDSI datasets to current versions (thanks Nina).
19-apr-2021The KNMI Climate Explorer was unvailable for a while due to a full hard disk. Again. (Thanks Phil)
14-apr-2021The KNMI Climate Explorer was unvailable for a while due to a full hard disk. Again.
14-apr-2021Added an option to put the legend on the left in return time plots (thanks Sihan).
08-apr-2021The KNMI Climate Explorer won the 2021 EMS Technology Achievement Award.
24-mar-2021The expired certificate problem has been solved and the Climate Explorer is running again with a valid certificate. I hope next year I (or someone else) will remember to replace it in time.
23-mar-2021Added HadISST2 sea ice. SST is still not available (thanks Chris).
22-mar-2021Something went wrong trying to install new certificates so the Climate Explorer was unreachable for a few minutes his afternoon.
22-mar-2021Made an error upgrading to a new version of GSL, some daily datasets that are usually kept up-to-date do not work.
16-mar-2021I forgot to get a new certificate and the old one expired. Workarounds: use a browser that allows you to accept an expired certificate or use the unsecured (or even the test server at
16-mar-2021Updated TEMIS ozon to msr2.
10-mar-2021Something went wrong in the ERA5 update, this should be fixed now.
03-mar-2021Made relative Niño indices, without trend due to global warming, the default choice.
03-mar-2021Added GloFAS discharge reconstruction based on ERA5.
25-feb-2021Added CRU TS 4.04 potential evaporation and ground frost days (thanks Paul).
17-feb-2021Somebody in India ( found a way to overwhelm my defenses against DDOS attacks, now blocking that address at the firewall. The server should work again.
16-feb-2021KNMI data is not being updated as the server from which I download it has been taken off-line to check for possible security problems.
16-feb-2021Updated GPCC to v2020 (thanks Stefaan).
05-feb-2021The Climate Explorer has been unusable for a while due to a full hard disk, apt-get kept more than a gigabyte of garbage on my too small root partition (thanks Philip).
28-jan-2021Added an option to the GEV and GPD fits to require the probability of the event to be non-zero even though it is not included in the fit. In heat waves the event can otherwise be above the upper bound of the distribution in the best fit.
28-jan-2021Added an option to the blue/red time series plots behind "view last..." to leave a central range white (thanks reviewer #3).
26-jan-2021Updated the Dutch 8-8 precipitation data to the officially fixed version (thanks Theo).
19-jan-2021Fixed a bug introduced on Saturday that caused the coarse background map to always be selected (thanks Mark).
16-jan-2021Fixed a few bugs in the time-space (Hovmuller) plot routine.
14-jan-2021NASA, NOAA, UK Met Office and Berkeley Earth global mean temperature analyses have been updated through 2020. The ERA5 reanalysis had already been updated earlier.
14-jan-2021After some problems (apparently caused by a bug in the cloud system, not by me this time) the server was successfully restarted. I fixed a few misconfigurations, now everything should work again. Please report remaining problems.
13-jan-2021Fixed security problems in the user identification routine, which would cause the exposure of all users' email addresses.
12-jan-2021The Climate Explorer has been unavailable due to maintenance of our cloud provider. The new version at should work.
16-dec-2020Added HadCRUT5 1850-2018, CRUTEM5 1850-2019.
29-nov-2020Added the monthly CMIP6 global mean ensembles, still unweighted. Fields will follow RSN.
23-nov-2020Added the global EUMETSAT CM-SAF cloud fraction field 1982-2019, monthly only for the time being.
31-oct-2020Updated GPM/IMERG to V06. The good news is that it goes back to 2000 now, the bad news is that it took 10 days to download those 20 years.
14-oct-2020Recovering from a disk crash on my KNMI computer. Some data may be corrupted, please report problems.
08-oct-2020E-OBS monthly data were shifted to 1950-2049 the last week... Fixed.
05-oct-2020Added 20CRv3 slp and z500 fields extended to the present with ERA5 / ECMWF analyses. Correlations are very good for slp on the overlap period outside the tropics (r~0.95) and good in the tropics (r~0.9 in most areas).
01-oct-2020Found an error in E-OBS precipitation, which was shifted by 4 days after 26-jan-2020.
01-oct-2020Added 1920-1949 to E-OBS. Note that this period is research status, so be sure to check whether the quality suffices if you include it in your analysis.
29-sep-2020If you prefer the old smaller text, just hit <cmd>- (macOS) or <cntrl>- (Windows) to make everything smaller.
25-sep-2020Accidentally also installed it on the operational server, it seems to work well enough to keep it rather than revert to the old state. Please report problems. In some browsers you have to reload the CSS files before you see the new design fully (in Safari, via the development menu).
24-sep-2020Testing the new responsive WMO design on the test server.
14-sep-2020Added ERA5 and NOAA/PSL monthly potential evaporation fields.
06-aug-2020Extended Global Carbon Project CO2 emissions to 2018.
19-jul-2020Added residuals to the trend in the extreme value fit so it is easier to check for autocorrelations and other properties.
02-jul-2020Climate Explorer was down for 2:30 hours today for maintenance, I had been assured it would be a few minutes but it took a bit longer than that..
06-jun-2020Reinstated links to the previous version of CRU TS for people halfway through a big calculation who prefer consistent data (thanks Feng).
05-jun-2020UCAR SLP is updated again, 20CR SNAO series updated to v3 (thanks Ming).
04-jun-2020Making time series plots in the Atlas with tranaparancy works again (thanks Michael).
04-jun-2020Finally added the much-requested option to create an annual series from the values on a given date (or month or season).
27-may-2020Upgraded CRU TS to 4.04 running up to 2019 (thanks Harry).
18-may-2020Due to persistent attempts to hack the server it may be slow at times. Plus another DDOS attack.
15-may-2020Unofficial Dutch precipitation deficit series added.
14-may-2020The DDOS attack necessitated a reboot, which broke a few things. If something still is not yet working properly please contact me.
14-may-2020The last few days the Climate Explorer has been the target of a DDOS attack, with 10 requests per second for interpolated fields that take a minute to complete, coming from about 140 IP addresses around the world. I try to block them manually but may accidentally block valid users or miss a few attackers so that the server becomes slow.
11-may-2020Added the first EUMETSAT CM-SAF field, sis (Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation). More will follow as soon as I figure out how to get them via a script.
07-may-2020Added running dispersion to the running moments analysis.
07-may-2020Fixed a bug that caused selecting a region to fail for large fields that are stored in multiple files.
06-may-2020The GRACE gravity fields, Greenland and Antarctica mass anomalies time series are updated again to the present.
05-may-2020Changed the link to "seasonal forecasts" to Folmer Krikken's system to investigate the sources of skill in the KPREP empirical seasonal forecast system, and drought and fire weather forecasts.
04-may-2020The server has been and will be down for a few minutes every now and then while we try to fix a software problem.
20-apr-2020The Climate Explorer did not work for a while this morning because someone had generated 1.2 million time series from the GPOM/IMERG grid. This has now been blocked.
16-apr-2020You can now upload ensembles of time series. Easiest is to make a netcdf file containing one variable with two domensions, ens and time.
10-apr-2020Deleted ERA-interm, 20CRv2c (superseded by ERA5, 20CRv3).
09-apr-2020Constructed ERA5 extended fields.
29-mar-2020Added first CMIP6 models, not yet up-to-date.
26-mar-2020The Climate Explorer did not work for an hour or so due to a full disk. You are working very hard from home it seems....
26-mar-2020Added NAO indices as the first EOF of SLP over the Atlantic based on NCEP/NCAR R1 and ERA-interim.
22-mar-2020Fixed the CMORPH precipitation ENSO index.
19-mar-2020Fixed a bug that gave wrong data starting 1-aug2019 and zeroes at the end of E-OBS files, his has been wrong the last two months.
18-mar-2020GPM/IMERG has been updated to version 06, which is kept up-to-date. Took three days to download their nc4 files and convert them to something a bit CF-compliant.
13-mar-2020Due to a full system partition on the server most operations failed for a while today.
11-mar-2020Due to a full disk at KNMI the GHCN-D daily data were unavailable for a week.
13-feb-2020Fixed a bug in converting fields to lower frequency: annual fields were always taken as Jan-Dec, disregarding the Jul-Jun choice.
12-feb-2020Fixed a bug in fitting trends of extremes: input seasonal series used full years in the GEV and Gumbel fits instead of onlyt the season requested.
03-feb-2020Added the possibility to have multi-year blocks or multi-ensemble blocks in the Gumbel and GEV fits. This may have broken other fits, please report problems.
16-jan-2020The cloud provider hosting the KNMI Climate Explorer was down for maintenance 14 and 15 January 2020. When it came back up I clicked a wrong button when starting a new instance. Next the helpdesk started it for me, which gave it a wrong name. We finally figured it all out by Thursday afternoon so that the server became up and reachable at 17:30 CET.
18-dec-2019Added a monthly version of the NOAA/NCEI NDVI CDR.
14-dec-2019Found and fixed bug in CHiRPS data, starting in 2016 the data were shifted by 92 days.
13-dec-2019Upgraded NOAA GlobalTemp to v5.
06-dec-2019Due to a full disk the Climate Explorer did not function for a few hours on 5 and 6 december Dutch time.
27-nov-2019Extended daily Rhine discharge to 1901-26nov2019 and Meuse to 1950-27nov2019, I have not yet found a way to do this automatically.
15-nov-2019Added ETHZ GRUN ML reconstruction of runoff (thanks Gionata).
13-nov-2019Added E-OBS global radiation analyses for Europe 1980-now.
11-nov-2019Finally added the CMIP5 merged T2m/SST global mean surface temperatures from Cowtan et al, 2015 (thanks Ed).
11-nov-2019Fixed a bug in plotting maps of station data that caused mysterious error messages and no plot when there were too many stations.
09-nov-2019Added NOAA annual greenhouse gas index and underlying radiative forcings (thanks Gareth).
30-oct-2019Added 20CRv3 monthly and daily fields (thanks Gil).
30-oct-2019Fixed Berkeley Earth global mean temperature series and monthly anomaly fields (thanks Ed).
18-oct-2019The Climate Explorer has not functioned properly for a while due to an attack from IP address, which has been blocked. Please report corrupted cache files... Update: half of it was my own fault, somehow the automatic cleaning of the /tmp directory did not work since I moved it to another volume. I hope I fixed the bugs.
16-oct-2019Updated GISTEMP to GHCNv4.
11-oct-2019My illness and the new treatment are affecting me much more than I expected, I have been ill at home since 1 October and much slower than normal in responding to support queries. I hope it will pass.
05-oct-2019Updated ERA-interim GMST to ERA5.
24-sep-2019Fixed a bug that caused too large uncertainties in fits of extreme value functions to sets of stations, possibly other places.
18-sep-2019Added updated and extended AR5 forcings (thanks Piers).
17-sep-2019Added MEI v2 (thanks Charlie).
12-sep-2019Added Africa ERA5 region at 0.25º (thanks Geoffrey).
03-sep-2019Fixed a stupid bug in the derivative routine that gave a series that could not be analysed further (the numbers were correct).
30-aug-2019ERA5 fluxes and min/max temperatures are available again.
30-aug-2019The maintenance planned for 10 and 11 September 2019 has been cancelled.
23-aug-2019Fixed bug in running moments that would cause it to get into an infinite loop if the season crossed the December/January boundary.
22-aug-2019ERA5 fluxes have a bug that can only be addressed next week.
22-aug-2019ERA5 daily fields are now available as 0.5° global fields and 0.25° fields for Europe only. Contact me if you need 0.25° fields for another region. Global daily 0.25° fields are too big.
20-aug-2019Updated the Dangendorf et al sea-level reconstruction (thanks Dewi).
12-jul-2018Added options to the extreme value fit page to include the point under study in the fit and to evaluate the fit at a specified return period.
31-jul-2019The Climate Explorer was unreachable 31 July 2019 07:00 - 11:45 CEST due to maintenance work at our cloud provider gone awry.
19-jul-2018Started to add the exact calls into the Climate Explorer to the metadata so you can easily reproduce the whole calculation or write a script tha automatises it. Not yet with Web Processing Services but URLs, the (URLS of the) results are in the HTML output.
11-jul-2018Chromium seems to submit forms twice, which can lead to corrupted data. I am trying to eliminate that but use another browser for the time being.
24-jun-2019Added HadSST, Cowtan & Way filled-in HadCRUT4/HadSST4
11-jun-2019GPM/IMERG switched to version 06, my updates have followed suit (with a month delay).
11-jun-2019The Climate Explorer was not working properly due to attacks from 112.133.251.* and, which have been blacklisted.
11-jun-2019MERRA has changed its download location a while ago and I cannot find the data back now, so updates are disabled.
08-jun-2019Added 37 aquifer masks (thanks Simon).
06-jun-2019Updated CRU TS to 4.03 1901-2018 (thanks Harry).
06-jun-2019The Climate Explorer runs like normal again.
04-jun-2019For urgent work there was a back-up server on (not yet https), with partial data. Please do not analyse or download big datasets.
04-jun-2019Due to security updates of the cloud computing provider the Climate Explorer was unavailable on 4 and 5 June 2019.
03-jun-2019Implemented workaround for bug in GrADS that prevented plotting upper-air variables in ERA reanalyses.
27-may-2019Fixed colour scale of Atlas sea level pressure plots (thanks Indrani).
21-may-2019The old server is now turned off after almost nine years of faithful duty.
18-may-2019GPCC precipitation and NSIDC sea ice are updated again.
18-may-2019UCAR scPDSI works again (thanks Ed).
17-may-2019The JAMSTEC data files have disappeared from their site, please use the home-computed WIO, SEIO and DMI indices.
17-may-2019Added the LSCE/IPSL bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX 11km experiments tasAdjust and prAdjust (thanks Robert).
16-may-2019The bugfix of two days ago does not work properly and I cannot find one that does, so I turned off PDF generation for Atlas time series for the time being. Please use the EPS or PNG plots.
14-may-2019Fixed a bug in the Atlas time sersies that I called the system ghostscript that does not support transparency, now call the one that does (thanks Michael).
07-may-2019There were occasional malfunctions because of a full /tmp directory. I have moved it to a larger disk and it should be OK now (thanks Alison).
28-apr-2019Luterbacher SLP was shifted by one month, it starts in December 1658, not January 1659 (thanks Petr).
25-apr-2019Fixed GSL crashes in rank correlation, moments calculation (thanks Jasper, Jacques).
25-apr-2019Updated the Met Office EN ocean analysis to 4.2.1 and put on new server (thanks Justine).
23-apr-2019Today, Tuesday 23 April 11:00 CEST the servers have been renamed. The new server at SurfSARA is now, the old one is reachable as for two weeks and will then be switched off. Uploaded data, preferences etc have not been migrated, you can finish your calculations on the old server.
20-apr-2019Fixed bugs in handling 360-day calender time series.
18-apr-2019Added Reconstructed scPDSI for Australia/New Zealand Drought Atlas (thanks Jonathan)
16-apr-2019Added Copernicus sealevel fields.
09-apr-2019Added 107 extreme indices based on GLDAS to the reanalysis section (thanks Malcolm)
09-apr-2019The Gauss fit under "trends of extremes" now also generates plots on a logarithmic scale rather than the sqrt-log scale that gives straight lines. This makes it easier to compare with more sensible fits. (Never use a Gauss to extrapolate!)
03-apr-2019ERA5 daily data now avialable (thanks Philippe).
03-apr-2019GLOSS sealevel stations (formerly PSMSL) again up-to-date.
26-mar-2019Test server now also accepts https (encrypted) connections.
26-mar-2019EOF on the test server should work now.
26-mar-2019Fixed station density data in CRU TS 4.02.
20-feb-2019Updated CRU TS to 4.02 (thanks Harry).
14-feb-2019Fixed the CPC update scripts, as they switched to https only.
12-feb-2019The Climate Explorer has been non-functional for a few hours starting 9:00 CET Tuesday 12 February 2019. Please use the test server instead, or wait.
11-feb-2019The test Climate Explorer was rebooted and unavailable for a few hours starting 18:00 CET Monday 11 February 2019.
04-feb-2019ERA5 monthly data is now complete 1979-dec2018 (thanks Philippe).
31-jan-2019There was a problem on the KNMI load balancer that caused Firefox to consider the connection to the Climate Explorer not secure. This has been fixed.
30-jan-2019The new server is open for testing at Please report problems.
30-jan-2019Added an option to make a histogram of correlations/regressions of individual ensemble members.
30-jan-2019Most US data has again been updated (thanks Donald).
30-jan-2019Added the adjusted ERA-interim global and European temperatures (thanks Nic, Adrian).
21-jan-2019Updated Mike Lockwood's Open Solar Flux (thanks Mike, David).
21-jan-2019The new server has been indexed again with htdig, which amazingly still exists.
15-jan-2019The old server has been unavailable for a few hours in the morning (Dutch time). Please use the new server.
10-jan-2019A lot of data still cannot be updated due to the US government shutdown.
10-jan-2019Scaling series now also works for ensembles.
01-jan-2019You can start testing the new server in Amsterdam. Please let me know which problems you encounter.
20-dec-2018Updated the NSIDC bootstrap sea ice data to v3. Upgradede the download script from one line to fifty with hardcoded assumptions because of the wonderful Earthdata Login system.
11-dec-2018The server has not functioned for a few hours on Tuesday 11 November because of maintenance on the storage server. To minimise impact it was not shut down, so you just got error messages about unavailable data.
22-nov-2018The server has problems, I think accessing its storage. The problem is at the data server side and there is not much I can do about it except setting up the new server (if all goes well a test version should be up in a week or two).
22-nov-2018I have rewritten the numerical code under the Climate Explorer to use the GSL library. This should not make any difference, but of course I must have made some errors. Please report problems...
22-nov-2018The server has been slow and/or unreachable the last two days partly due to an attack by the Majestic crawler. I blacklisted it, but things are still not going well. I'll try to move to a bigger server.
22-nov-2018The CNRM-ALADIN53 CORDEX EU44 tas, tasmin and tasmax fields were in Celsius but claimed to be in Kelvin. Added 273.15. (thanks Andreas)
12-nov-2018Added the option to compute the annual cycle of a field (needed it myself).
07-nov-2018Updated fits to Gamma function in 'plot and fit distribution'.
07-nov-2018Added ERA-interim u850,v850 (thanks Antti).
02-nov-2018Fixed a bug in the KMZ (Google Earth) map generating routine that would give an invalid file if the title contained "p<X%" (thanks Chris, Antti).
23-oct-2018Finally changed the first plot in detection of trends in extremes to give lines of constant probability rather then μ+σ, μ+2σ. For the Gaussian these are the same (thanks Martin).
29-oct-2018Fixed bug in update daily ERA-interim data.
24-oct-2018Fixed 2018 KNMI radar data.
23-oct-2018Most time series analysis routines now also propagate the metadata into their output ascii files. I still have to get it into the PNG and PDF though.
25-sep-2018Hardened the netcdf upload routines against cross-site scripting attacks. If you are not an attacker everything should work fine, please notify me if not. (One side effect is that you can only use non-accented letters for the name.)
24-sep-2018Added the possibility to select GHCN-D staton in arbitrary polygons (needed for the Florence analysis).
19-sep-2018Fixed updates to Dutch precipitation data.
11-sep-2018Due to health reasons updates and support were non-existant last week and will be slower the next week or so.
29-aug-2018Added subdivisions of India to the long list of country masks, at the moment only checked Kerala. Please let me know if there are problems in the others (thanks Krishna).
27-aug-2018Fixed derivative, the name 'dX/dt' is not allowed in netcdf (thanks Leif).
18-aug-2018From 5 August until today all datasets that are processed on my workstation because they are too large for the staging server were either no longer updated (most daily fields) or corrupted (GISTEMP) due to my accidentally turning on OpenMP there without testing.
10-aug-2018Changed the sea ice values of -1000in HadISST1 to undefineds (thanks Genaro).
08-aug-2018Updated E-OBS to the Copernicus version, 17.0e (thanks Else).
12-jul-2018The Climate Explorer was unresponsive for a few times today. It turns out the 8-yr old server cannot handle operations on the 0.1° GPM/IMERG precipitation field except plotting. Other operations are no longer supported, use the 0.2° version instead.
10-jul-2018Fixed a bug in correlatefield that caused it not to recognise ensembles anymore.
02-jul-2018Upgraded GPCC to V8 long-term, V6 monitoring.
19-jun-2018Upgraded the NOAA merged T2m/SST dataset to the official v4.0.1 (thanks Nicholas, Boyin).
18-jun-2018Reinstated the possibility to download the data of maps as ascii next to netcdf (thanks Paul).
15-jun-2018Finally updated the RSS TLT fielda and indices, they had changed the file names (thanks Warwick).
04-jun-2018Fixed a bug in the spatial min/max option of a field: if a maximum was less than zero or a minimum larger than zero, the value zero was accidentally taken. This should have been obvious from the time series plot, I hope it did not affect anyone (thanks Evgeny).
30-may-2018Fixed a big bug in the CenTrends/CHIRPS combination: due to a "feature" of cdo the CHIRPS part was shifted by one month (thanks Chris).
14-may-2018The last few days the Climate Explorer has been unreachable for 15 minutes or so for a few times. A cursory glance at the log files revealed nothing but heavy but normal usage, nothing suspicious that needs blocking. I am trying to get a new, more powerful server, this one will be 8 years old this (NH) summer.
09-may-2018Added ERA-interim Penman Monteith potential evaporation (thanks Karin).
07-may-2018Fixed big problems in daily GPCP 1.3 CDR precipitation data. NCEI serves non-standard netcdf files with north and south swapped. I think I fixed all issues (thanks Gbode).
03-may-2018Fixed weekly Niño12 and Niño3.4 indices (thanks Charles).
25-apr-2018Fixed a bug that caused the last month of a monthly dataset not to be read if the start date was after the first date of the file. In particular, this caused plots of the difference of last month with a climatology to fail. They now still have variance and p-value undefined, so do not use a cutoff (thanks Evgeny).
25-apr-2018Added CL-SAT 1.3 5° homogenised monthly temperature anomaly fields (thanks Qingxiang).
19-apr-2018Added CMIP5 extreme indiex Tropical Nights (TR) (thanks Till).
19-apr-2018Changed the two annual cycle plot to two plots of one annual cycle each, Jan-Dec and Jul-Jun. One of the two should be relevant. They also have tick marks (thanks Sjoukje).
06-apr-2018Added monthly Isle of Ireland rainfall 1711-2016 (thanks Conor). Metadata nightmare due to Pangaea having conventions that are totally incompatible with the CF and DC ones that are standard in the climate world.
04-apr-2018Blacklisted IP address for indiscriminately downloading everything. This probably also caused the full disk last night.
04-apr-2018Due to a full disk the Climate Explorer did not work for about six hours yesterday night until 3AM Dutch summer time.
04-apr-2018Fixed a bug in converting a field to longer time scale fields, if a minimum fraction of points was specified together with a cut-off the cut-off was not recognised.
03-apr-2018Fixed a bug in subsetting fields starting at the Greenwich meridian, you would get all longitudes.
27-mar-2018Somebody in India ( tried to crash the Climate Explorer by sending nonsense commands as quickly as possible. It stayed up but made life hard for real users.
27-mar-2018Climatology period is shown again in the title for anomaly plots.
17-mar-2018Fixed bug, normalisation time series did not work anymore (thanks Abhik).
17-mar-2018ERSST AMO works again, doing ERA-interim updates by hand (don't ask).
16-mar-2018Better options to get monthly fields from seasonal analyses (thanks Willy).
08-mar-2018Updated CO2 concentrations, CH4 works again, Rapid AMOC is updated again, snow cover series are updated again.
07-mar-2018Lean total solar irradiance is updated again.
03-mar-2018E-OBS finally upgraded to v16.0, works again.
03-mar-2018NOAA 1/4° SST works again, added full SST field (thanks Paolo).
02-mar-2018GHCN-M v3 works again, v2 and v3 both have better metadata now.
22-feb-2018Finally solved the problem that clicking on the link "View last ..." for a time series would take the default value from the last form rather than the end date.
22-feb-2018NASA GPM/IMERG daily precipitation updates again as version V05. Apparently no-one tried to use it since November.
21-feb-2018Spring cleaning of daily and monthly observational fields almost finished. Please report problems.
19-feb-2018Fixed a bug in the field subsetter: when asking for a region starting at a pole you would get everything to the other pole (thanks Ross).
14-feb-2018Changed definition of percentage change in extreme value fits to be relative to the past value, not the present.
13-feb-2018Deleted a few old datasets, pleaes notify me if you still used one of them.
13-feb-2018Blocked a very rude crawler,
07-feb-2018Added ERA5 2010-2017 (thanks Philippe).
05-feb-2018Fixed a couple of metadata-related bugs in handling ensembles of time series (thanks Sjoukje). Patternfield also seems to work again. Please report remaining problems.
03-feb-2018I found out that the 1996-1999 values for snow depth in the Netherlands are wrong due to an error by the data provider. I have implemented a workaround.
30-jan-2018The daily GHCN-D and ECA&D station data now have metadata, probably not according to the correct "controlled vocabulary" but it is a start. The metadata is embedded in the ascii and netcdf versions of the file, and is displayed in a human-readable format by following the link "metadata" above figures. It is now propagated into most netcdf output, and will eventually be added to the figures as well for complete traceability (as in "how did I exactly make this figure half a year ago?")
29-jan-2018From 18:00 UTC Saturday 28 January to 18:00 UTC Sunday 29 January the Climate Explorer has been stuck, I have not yet been able to find out why.
24-jan-2017Due to demands of journals for data provenance, I have been working to treat metadata better in the Climate Explorer (in code that dates back to the late 1990s when that concept hardly existed). The most-used routines now propagate the input metadata and add their own. In parallel I am also adding relevant metadata to all the data I collect from all over the world, if not already included. In the end this means that the final netcdf or ascii file includes the full information on how it was produced. I am looking for ways to include that in the EPS, PDF and PNG figures. In the meantime, this transformation sometimes destabilises routines that worked well before. Please report bugs
24-jan-2017Due to a 16-week medical treatment that started last week I may not repond to bug reports and requests for help as quickly as normal. There is some discrepancy between the length of my todo-list and my available energy. Geert Jan.
12-jan-2017Added ERA-interim daily surface solar radiation and mean and max wind speeds. Turn on the solar panels and wind turbines.
10-jan-2017Due to an outage at our IT provider daily datasets are not being updated today.
09-jan-2017Added an option to plot with logarithmic colour scales (scales are OK for 1,2,5,10,... but not yet for other ranges).
09-jan-2017Added an option to convert temperature time series to Fahrenheit for our US colleagues.
04-jan-2017Filtered metadata better so that the next program does not crash on the CCCMA license. I am trying to delete all cached files with this bug (thanks Saurav).
30-dec-2017Fixed a bug in correlatefield (uninitialised variable) that caused trends and other regressions of fields on series to fail the last two days.
30-dec-2017Fixed a bug that caused plots of time series derived from fields with ascii zeros in the metadata not to plot.
29-dec-2017Added an option to extend one time series with another one.
29-dec-2017Added daily full Berkeley temperature fields by adding the climatologies to the anomalies.
28-dec-2017Fixed a bug in the Atlas that caused regressions not to work (thanks Simon).
28-dec-2017Fixed overzealous cleaning that accidentally disabled CMIP5 sea ice (thanks Joanna).
20-dec-2017Updated some routines to propagate metadata much better.
18-dec-2017Due to another error of our IT provider the Climate Explorer could not be reached over a secure connection (https) from 18 December 12:00 GMT to 19 December 14:55 GMT, only by accepting the expired certificate or by using a non-encrypted connection,
12-dec-2017Added Ryan Laue's tropical ACE series 1970-now, updated Phil Klotzbach's Atlantic ACE 1851-2016 (thanks Peter).
12-dec-2017The Climate Explorer has been unavailable from yesterday 13:40 UTC to today 10:15 UTC due to an error of our IT provider.
12-dec-2017Added daily Dutch snow depth observations.
11-dec-2017ECA&D fixed a bug that caused very wrong snow depths for Dutch stations over the last year (thanks Gerard)
08-dec-2017Reorganised the trends in extremes output to make it (hopefully) clearer, especially when requesting a third year (thanks Sjoukje). How many people wold use the remaining missing output: the risk ratio for the third year?
07-dec-2017Added the daily t2m of the 16-run 12-km RACMO2.2E runs, still interpolated to a lat-lon grid (thanks Hylke).
22-nov-2017Added option in time series trends of extremes to optionally plot a third curve, usually for the future. When using GMST as covariate the years 2045 and 2070 correspond to a 1.5 and 2.0 degree world (above 1880-1900) respectively. 2040 and 2065 subtract 0.1 °C for true pre-industrial.
22-nov-2017Fixed bug in plotting Gumbel trends with low extremes.
20-nov-2017Added an option to the running correlations to make plots with the first year running but the final year standing still to make the kind of plots Tom Knutson always makes.
19-nov-2017Updated ERSST IPO index to v5 (finally).
14-nov-2017To work around a very annoying bug in Safari I turned off caching for all forms. Hope that does not cause other problems.
14-nov-2017Changed the output of 'trends in extremes' to eliminate unused information and add probabilities (1/T).
13-nov-2017Extend the global marine CO2 series with two bias-corrected Mauna Loa monthly values.
04-nov-2017Added AVISO satellite and Dangendorf and Church&White historical global mean sea level series.
25-oct-2017Added the option to plot one annual cycle of a time series (Jen-Dec only for the time being).
12-oct-2017Updated CRU TS to 4.01 (preferred) and 3.25 (thanks Harry).
03-oct-2017Added global (cumulative) CO2 emissions from the Global Carbon Project.
25-sep-2017I think I found the culprit, somebody from France trying to download the whole site. Restricted that.
25-sep-2017The Climate Explorer stopped working twice today due to a full disk, the data partition were temporary results are stored. I may have to delete files after two days of non-use rather than three until the new server is operational.
21-sep-2017Home-brewed PDO is now based on ERSST v5.
18-sep-2017Lower time resolution fields are now correctly computed for EC-Earth T799 (Future Weather) runs.
16-sep-2017Annual extreme indices work again in the HadGEM3-A attribution runs (does nobody else use these?). Also added Tx3x to EC-Earth 2.3 and HadGEM3-A.
14-sep-2017You can now take the temporal min/max/mean of very large fields and it even works.
13-sep-2017Taking the difference of two ensembles of time series may work now (thanks Sarah).
07-sep-2017Both NODC and EN4 ocean heat content analyses are updated again (thanks Rein). Hospital is boring.
06-sep-2017Fixed one bug resulting from the change of 25-aug-2017: all maps were given the same name instead of a random number and date/time. This was no problem if you viewed or downloaded the map immediately, only if you went back to it (could be overwritten by another) or tried to generate a map for which there were no data (could give the previous one with data).
25-aug-2017Finally removed the email address from the URLs for privacy and security reasons (replaced by its md5 hash). Please let me know if something does not work properly.
07-aug-2017Support for the Climate Explorer is again provided by Geert Jan van Oldenborgh.
07-jul-2017Camiel Severijns takes over support for the Climate Explorer for one or two months starting Friday 7 July.
29-jun-2017Fixed the bug that the method to deal with missing time steps was not used when transforming a field to a lower time resolution.
05-jun-2017Updated daily GPCP 1° precipitation estimates to v1.3 (CDR version).
29-may-2017Daily NASA GPM/IMERG v4.0 0.1º precipitation 2014-now is available now, not all operations may work because of the high resolution.
28-may-2017Changed the definition oif return time for gaussian fits for multiple months from any month to a given month.
22-may-2017Restored the monthly E-OBS fields that were accidentally deleted from the list (thanks Ileana).
12-may-2017Normalised the relative Niño indices to have the same variability as the original ones (thanks Michelle).
11-may-2017Added CRU TS 4.00, kept 3.24.01 for comparison (thanks Molly).
02-may-2017Implemented a first-order correction for the problem in the Dutch 8-8 rain gauges 2012-2017.
18-apr-2017Fixed type that gave "climfield" in titles instead of the variable. Please complain about these kind of errors so that they get fixed more quickly.
18-apr-2017Updating GPM/IMERG precipitation to V04.
18-apr-2017Updated NSIDC Sea Ice Index to v2.1.
17-apr-2017Fixed bug in daily CMORPH data.
10-apr-2017The server was sometimes too busy due to a script investigating rainfall in Peru. Please do not compute and download data automaticslly without suitable pauses.
07-apr-2017New CRU scPDSI 3.25 up to 2016, new 3-digit CRU NAO and SOI series (thanks Timothy).
30-mar-2017The Climate Explorer was brought down last night until a reboot at noon UTC today by referrer spam combined with a change in the KNMI network. I am not sure I can prevent this from happening again.
29-mar-2017Fixed a bug in the GPD routine routine, for dry areas t searches better for the narrow gap between the lowest observed point and zero. Will still fail if there are very dry points, please use another function there (gamma should be coming one day).
06-mar-2017Added an option to add a bias correction to an extreme value trend fit, so that you do not have to adjust the observed value (thanks Francis).
05-mar-2017Adjusted the behaviour of the trend in extremes option so that the current year is not excluded for model data.
03-mar-2017The Climate Explorer malfunctioned the last half day or so (night in Holland) due to a full hard disk. I deleted some big files and it should work again. Please let me know if you still have problems. Geert Jan.
26-feb-2017Made combined CenTRends/CHIRPS East Africa precipitation analysis.
26-feb-2017Finally brought NCEP/NCAR R1 P-E up-to-date (should have done this in 2003) (Thanks Kevin).
17-feb-2017Fixed the empirical seasonal forecast system.
17-feb-2017The ERA-interim reanalyses had somehow been messed up. Fixed.
07-feb-2017Updated CRU TS to 3.24.01, which corrects a few issues.
07-feb-2017Adding HadGEM3-A short runs (2014-2015), not everything works yet.
07-feb-2017CHIRPS precipitation is updated again.
25-jan-2017Subtracting the influence of another factor now also works when the series has been transformed with a logarithm or sqrt. Please always check whether the dependance has been correctly cancelled.
24-jan-2017Fixed a bug in the computation of the fraction of missing data in a set of stations.
22-jan-2017Fixed KNMI daily station data and GPM/IMERG daily precipitation fields.
16-jan-2017Fixed a bug that caused the maximum value of a field in a mask to only take the box around the mask into account, up to now it forgot to blank out the mask points < 0.5 inside the box.
16-jan-2017Added the first variables of the 16-run 12-km RACMO2.2E runs, still interpolated to a lat-lon grid (thanks Philippe).
01-jan-2017Happy New Year to all users.
15-dec-2016Updated UAH TLT v6.0 (with more adjustments).
08-dec-2016Added the possibilty to use the "trends in extremes" option without trend.
08-dec-2016Fixed a bug in the GPD routines that gave wrong values for the return time for ξ<0.001.
08-dec-2016Fixed a bug in the Atlas that prevented extremes from plotting (thanks Sjoukje).
18-nov-2016Added the option to average a field to a lower spatial resolution (thanks Sjoukje).
14-nov-2016You can now also plot the fraction missing data per season.
03-nov-2016Added a plot of the fraction of missing data to the standard daily time series overview, I think this is information that most people would like to know.
03-nov-2016Fixed a bug in the KNMI radar dataset: data before 2014 were too large and shifted.
03-nov-2016Fixed a bug in the CHIRPS dataset: data from 2015-jan-01 to now were upside down (thanks Sjoukje).
02-nov-2016Fixed a bug in the plotting of low-tail GEV fits, fixed the very slow GPD fits (thanks Sjoukje).
02-nov-2016Fixed the non-standard HadCRUT4.5 file (thanks Pavel).
01-nov-2016Updated E-OBS to v14.0.
28-oct-2016Added the option to convert fields from annual to monthly (thanks Darren).
19-oct-2016Updated HadCRUT4, CRUTEM4 to version 4.5.
15-oct-2016Fixed a bug that correlating a field wih a series using different averaging periods for each would give the wrong months, the title was correct (thanks Martin).
10-oct-2016Updated CRU TS to 3.24 (1901-2015, updated scPDSI as well (thanks Harry, Tim).
08-oct-2016Added PRISM daily mean and dew point temperatures.
04-oct-2016CPC global daily precipitation now includes all leap years again (thanks Sjoukje).
04-oct-2016NCEP/NCAR daily precipitation runs until "now" again, they had changed the 2014 file (thanks Sjoukje).
03-oct-2016Disabling political boundaries also works for stationplots now.
30-sep-2016Uploading stationlist to the GHCN-M routines works again..
29-sep-2016Fixed problems in NSIDC sea ice area series, they were wrong in 1986 and after 2008 (different hole sizes).
25-sep-2016Fixed problems in ERA-20C precipitation fields..
25-sep-2016Updated PMOD TSI to the latest greatest version (thanks Victor).
19-sep-2016Added a few 20CR daily fields.
19-sep-2016After maintenance work on the KNMI power connection on Saturday 17 September 2016, the transition back from emergency power to mains went wrong. All of KNMI went black, including the Climate Explorer. The operational systems were brought up first, the Climate Explorer started working again at Mon Sep 19 13:18:23 UTC 2016 (before that the server was up but not connected to the data server).
08-sep-2016Added monthly PRISM 4km and 0.25° US precipitation, maximum and minimum fields.
08-sep-2016Added an option to suppress the drawing of political boundaries, which seems to be required in some parts of the world.
02-sep-2016Added CHIRPS-2.0 African daily precipitation fields, CenTrends v1 monthly precipitation in the Greater Horn of Africa.
16-aug-2016Found and fixed a bug in the CMIP5 multi-model means and model ensembles: the GISS models were triple-counted. RCP4.5 should have only 42 models.
02-aug-2016Updated GPCP precipitation to v2.3 (thanks Caio).
02-aug-2016Updated E-OBS to v13.1.
12-jul-2016Added the option to compute the fraction of missing data per year in a set of stations.
05-jul-2016Detrended Nino indices arde now available for a better assessment of the 2015/2016 El Niño (thanks Harry).
05-jul-2016E-OBS was updated to v13.0.
05-jul-2016Lots of small bugfixes. Please do report things that do not work properly.
26-may-2016Trends in extremes of daily data can now also be investigated using a peak-over-threshold fit.
16-may-2016Added EUR-44 CORDEX data to the Climate Explorer and Atlas (thanks Urs).
11-may-2016Added the SST-forced HadGEM3A runs made for EUCLEIA, daily data and some extreme indices, observed and counterfactual SSTs 1960-2013 (thanks Jonathan).
09-may-2016I think fitting the low tail of scaled GPD distributions (ie low precipitation) finally works. I impose a hard non-negative limit for this.
28-apr-2016Added GPCC daily precipitation at 1°. Full data V1 until 2013, first guess after that.
28-apr-2016Updated the GPCC monitoring analysis to V5, appended it to the V7 analysis.
12-apr-2016Reinstated CFSR 1979-2010. No extension with operational data yet (thanks Ed).
11-apr-2016During the big update today I made an error that caused all differences of fields (and possibly other operations) to crash on an arithmetic error. It should work again (thanks Boris).
11-apr-2016Added HadEX2 analyses of extreme indices.
11-apr-2016Added ERA-interim max daily dew-point and wet-bulb temperature estimates.
11-apr-2016Added ERA-interim 3D humidity (thanks Nick).
07-apr-2016Updated Met Office sub-surface ocean analysis to EN4.1.1 (thanks Phil).
21-mar-2016Plotting the last N days/months of precipitation now defaults to a cumulative plot.
21-mar-2016Added two new projections.
07-mar-2016Operating on sets of stations should work much better now. Please report remaining problems.
07-mar-2016Added an option to download sets of data as a(big) ascii table (thanks Hans, Kiri).
23-jan-2016Made a Friday afternoon error on the server while trying to add daily EC-Earth data. It should work again.
22-jan-2016Added some EC-Earth extreme indices (Rx[135]day, Txx...Tnn).
12-jan-2016The storage server from which the Climate Explorer gets its data will be rebooted this day. This may degrade performance a bit.
11-jan-2016Added daily Niño indices from daily NCDC SST OIv2. Use with care.
11-jan-2016Fixed bug in the update of CMORPH data that caused the last day of 2015 to be missing.
07-jan-2016Subtracting the influence of another series now also works for ensembles.
05-jan-2016Added IPBES regions and subregions.
04-jan-2016For the privacy-conscious: you can also reach the Climate Explorer via https now (note that this only protects against snooping on the connection, the server itself has not been built with privacy in mind).
02-jan-2016Adjusted the whole web site so that it uses the full width of the browser screen. Please tell me if you prefer the old 800-pixel layout.
19-dec-2015You can now search stations by country, just start the search string with '('.
19-dec-2015You can now filter most station searches on number of years, elevation as well (thanks Sjoukje).
17-dec-2015TAO buoy positions are undefined the last month to prevent vandalism, accepting the data anyway (thanks Andrew).
11-dec-2015Added Lean TSI reconstructions, annual from 1610, monthly from 1882 (thanks Peter).
06-dec-2015The Climate Explorer was "attacked" from a variety of IP addresses, I cannot figure out why or how, they were going through all links of the site at speed making normal work almost impossible. I have blacklisted these addresses for a while.
06-dec-2015Due to a full hard disk the GHCN-D update failed, redone (thanks Glenn).
04-dec-2015Investigation of trends of extremes in sets of grid points now also works.
02-dec-2015Reinstated the check for NaNs in netdcf files. I thought no-one would be so stupid to use NaN as _FillValue, but was proven wrong. Reading large files is slower again.
27-nov-2015Deleted the country Readme between Qatar and Romania (thanks Boris).
23-nov-2015Fixed a month offset in the monthly version, the huge 1/4° NOAA SST OI v2 fields are now OK (thanks Kevin).
24-nov-2015Found the new location where SIDC puts the sunspot number, they are being updated regularly again.
17-nov-2015Fixed a bug that prevented the "getdata" link of GHCN-D stations with a dash in the ID to work.
12-nov-2015The ECMWF S4 fields were offset by one month (the old problem of which time to use for a monhly mean). I am fixing it now.
11-nov-2015Plotting daily anomaly fields (including N-day sums) seems to work now, much faster than it used to be. Needed it for the 1-10Nov record heat in Europe.
11-nov-2015Improved the verification routines so that they no longer give time-outs for high-resolution maps, such as the new ECMWF S4 data.
11-nov-2015Tried to fix the title of daily plots, hope it works now.
10-nov-2015Added ECMWF S4 seasonla hindcasts and forcasts, monthly means. For Nov and Dec start dates the precipitation does not work yet.
09-nov-2015Finally added average = (min+max).2 temperature to GHCN-D v2.
05-nov-2015Added Cook et al Old World Drought Atlas (thanks Ed).
05-nov-2015The Atlas cache has been transferred to another data store, this should solve the problems with a full disk that occurred too regularly the last few days.
02-nov-2015Added land/sea masks to CMORPH precipitation.
25-oct-2015Many bugfixes in the trend of extremes analysis, especially in the scale option for the GPD (thanks Sjoukje & Sarah).
19-oct-2015Updated CRU TS to 3.23 with data up to 2014. #stations is not yet available.
17-oct-2015Fixed a bug in the AMO time series generation, due to a language setting the global mean temperature was not subtracted correctly anymore.
14-oct-2015The server has been saying it was too busy twice today for 10 minutes, but did not go down. The new precautions seem to be working. I could not find one cause for it, looks like just a very busy day.
13-oct-2015Added the option to plot the last N years of monthly data as well with the anomalies coloured red/blue as NCEP always does so beautifully (but with a less-smoothed climatology at the moment). For precipitation it tries to use blue/red.
24-sep-2015Deleted the MIRO-ESM and MIROC-ESM-CHEM Txx as it reached 80 °C in the deserts.
04-sep-2015Major reorganisation of the ENSO indices. The ancient Kaplan+NCEP combination has been updated to correct climatologies, the default one has been switched to now ERSST v4, even though it has some issues (thanks Michelle).
04-sep-2015KNMI is going to conduct a customer satisfaction survey. If you would like to give feedback to the management here on your use of the Climate Explorer by filling out a survey please mail me and I will put your name on the list of customers.
03-sep-2015Made a typo while updating all links to my old homepage and publications during a meeting, which have disappeared on the new KNMI web site. For one hour the time series selection page did not work. Will test better next time before pushing it to the server.
02-sep-2015When studying trends in extremes at a set of stations, spatial correlations between stations are now taken into account. I am not 100% sure the spatial moving block technique is correct, am asking statisticians.
01-sep-2015Moved the Effects of El Niño and Monthly Overview of World Weather to this site, as the new KNMI site is only in Dutch.
28-aug-2015Added an option to plot the last N days of a daily time series, like the CPC monitoring plots but at higher resolution.
24-aug-2015Added first data from 16 T159 EC-Earth RCP8.5 runs.
10-aug-2015Updated ERSST SST indices (Nino, Indian Ocean, AMO) to v4, this also makes the AMO index more consistent.
10-aug-2015Put in a fix for too many people trying to use the Climate Explorer simultaneously. Please let me know if you get false alarms or if it is not strict enough.
10-aug-2015A lot of access from the IT department of the University of Milano brought down the Climate Explorer last night (Sunday 09-aug-2015) until the friendly administrators restarted the box this morning. I'll try to implement stricter checking.
06-aug-2015HadCRUT has been updated to 4.4.
04-aug-2015The CESM1-CAM5 CMIP5 rlut data have problems, please do not use for the time being. I hope to get a consistent dataset within days (thanks Bob).
03-aug-2015Back from a holiday, July data is being uploaded and the backlog of e-mail being addressed.
13-jul-2015I finally found time to get the search engine (top right) up and running again.
13-jul-2015De Bilt Tmax now uses the v2 homogenised series (thanks Theo).
25-jun-2015Upgraded GPCC precipitation to V7.
19-jun-2015CAMSOPI is being updated again. Left out the first 4 years because there are severe data problems in it. (thanks Chris)
11-jun-2015Upgraded IITM monthly mean data up to the latest available, 2012.
09-jun-2015Daily NCEP/NCAR data are available again after they changed the format.
07-jun-2015Added HadNMAT2 (thanks Bob, Ed).
12-may-2015Fixed a bug in the KNMI Climate Change Atlas: time series of some countries could not be computed (thanks Paul).
12-may-2015Fixed a bug in the KNMI Climate Change Atlas: RCP4.5/RCP6.0/RCP8.5 combined maps did not plot for the full CMIP5 ensemble (thanks Paul).
08-may-2015Adding a few ERA-20C fields (thanks Robert).
06-may-2015Updated CMAP (to version 1505) and the NSIDC bootstrap analysis.
03-may-2015Updated the 20C reanalysis to V2c (thanks Robert).
30-apr-2015Fixed a bug in my interpretation of how gnuplot treats a right-hand scale (for transformed variable).
21-apr-2015Updated E-OBS to v11.0.
20-apr-2015Updated the UKMO EN3 ocean analysis to EN4 (thanks Phil).
07-apr-2015You can now also attempt to compute trends of extremes for gridded fields I think.
01-apr-2015Added Antarctica to the GPCP land/sea mask, which was missing (thanks Bob).
23-mar-2015Fixed the E-OBS fields, which lacked 2014.
15-mar-2015Started added ERA-20C monthly fields, deleted NCEP/NCAR R2.
15-mar-2015The Climate Explorer is again unreachable since 16:30 GMT+1. It was reset on Monday morning 09:00. The cause seems to be some students who kept on resubmitting the same job when the answer did not appear quickly enough. I have tried to add code to defeat this scenario.
12-mar-2015The Climate Explorer has been unreachable since 16:45 GMT+1. I cannot reach it either and am trying to find someone who can press the reset button. UPDATE: 22:15 the problem was resolved when the server finished processing some large daily correlations submitted by students. Please, if you are teaching, ask the students to use smallish files, i.e., not daily data or CRU TS at 0.5°.
11-mar-2015Added merged GPCC V6 + monitoring + first guess fields.
09-mar-2015Added a trend plot to the "trends in extremes" option (thanks anonymous reviewer 2).
09-mar-2015Updated CSIC SPEI fields to 2013 (thanks Tatiana).
03-mar-2015The Climate Explorer did not work for a few hours due to a full data partition. I took some precautions so it would not happen again so quickly, hopefully enough.
19-feb-2015MERRA is up-to-date again.
18-feb-2015Added KNMI calibrated daily mean and daily max of hourly mean radar precipitation 2009-2014 (thanks Aart).
21-jan-2015Added an option to the trends of extremes form to normalise all series to the same mean before pooling them.
16-jan-2015Fixed bugs in the transformation to lower-frequency data that gave empty series and fields.
09-jan-2015Added the possibility to make an anomaly field for monthly
12-jan-2015Moved all data to a much larger dataserver, I can finally start adding big datasets again (daily CMIP5, CORDEX, KNMI'14 runs, seasonal hindcasts). Please tell me what you need to have access to.
09-jan-2015Added the possibility to make an anomaly field for monthly data.
29-dec-2014Added ERSST v4, fixed HadSST3 (thanks Bob).
12-dec-2014Fixed GHCN-D that was corrupted by a full hard disk (again) (thanks Darko).
08-dec-2014Added Berkeley land-ocean temperature series, updated land series.
04-dec-2014It appears 32 students at Reading University simultaneously computed the same area average in the CRU TS 3.22 0.5° dataset. That was enough to bring the system to its knees. Please, either use a lower resolution dataset, pre-compute it beforehand so that it will have been cached or let no more than 8 students operate on these large datasets simultaneously.
04-dec-2014The Climate Explorer has been down from noon UTC (13:00 local time) to 14:00 TC (15:00 local time). I could not enter it either and will now try to figure out what happened.
28-nov-2014Fixed a subtle bug in the caching scheme that I introduced a few months ago. The system would claim that an uploaded file was invalid because of an invalid cached netcdf file (thanks Clementine).
26-nov-2014Ran out of disk space again, the new dataserver has been delayed. Please report corrupted datasets :-(
18-nov-2014Finally added a few new colour scales that also work for colour blind people (requested by David 15 years ago). Please test now, they will become the default after the test period.
12-nov-2014Added the option to plot the rank of a year in a map (warmest/coldest/wettest/driest/..., second place, etc) and the year in which an extreme occurred.
27-oct-2014Added Cowtan and Way filled-in HadCRUT4 (thanks Martin)
19-oct-2014Updated CRUTEM4, HadCRUT4 to version
13-oct-2014Added NODC mean temperature time series, fields, also for 0-100m (thanks Bob).
13-oct-2014Added JMA 0-700 upper ocean heat content fields (thanks Bob).
05-oct-2014Finally changed the fit line in scatterplots from the default gnuplot green to something better visible.
01-oct-2014Fixed a bug in the handling of monthly data with hourly time stamps that rounded the start date of the OLR file the wrong way, so it appeared offset by one month (thanks Yannis).
17-sep-2014Added ERA-interim daily evapotranspiration, I have no idea how good it is though (thanks Michael).
11-sep-2014First attempt to plot the trends of extremes for sets of stations.
10-sep-2014Added the possibility to compute the mean/min/max of sets of stations.
09-sep-2014Added a few options to statistical properties of sets of stations, added running mean option to lower-frequency station data.
05-sep-2014Made dealing with GHCN and ECAD data much faster. I hope everything works again.
04-sep-2014The GEV(T) routine (trends in extremes) now also works for sets of stations, which are assumed to be independent and identically distributed. This is OK for most summer rainfall observations, but not much else.
01-sep-2014Fixed a bug that prevented subtracting the regression of multiple indices from a time series. Not sure this has ever worked.
26-aug-2014Server has been down for ten minutes to increase the memory from 12 GB to 48 GB, this should make it easier to analyse large datasets and avoid the slowdowns sometimes associated with a largish number of students doing the same exercise.
20-aug-2014Redefined the ratio on the trend of extremes page to mean the return time of old over the return time of new.
17-jul-2014Update CRU TS to 3.22 1901-2013 (thanks Harry).
03-jul-2014Improved checking on region selection, now refuses to extrapolate (thanks Bob).
27-jun-2014Changed undefined to zero in COADS number of observations fields (thanks Marisol).
24-jun-2014Added UC Irvine drought maps (thanks Warwick).
24-jun-2014Fixed a bug in my ERA-interim T2m/SST composite, due to an inconsistency between land/sea masks values of zero Kelvin were used leading to very low temperatures along coasts.
11-jun-2014Added IPO indices based on HadSST3, HadISST1 and ERSST v3b, Stefan Brönnimann's QBO indices.
11-jun-2014Updated NSIDC sea ice concentrations to the reprocessed dataset, replacing the NRT fields by v01 up to 201312.
15-may-2014Added 215 European river basins from the EEA (thanks Ad). Please check the masks carefully and report problems.
15-may-2014Due to the deployment of new load balancers at KNMI the Climate Explorer will be unreachable for a few minutes between 13:00 and 17:00 MET+1 (GMT+2).
09-may-2014The alternative way to select daily fields should work again (thanks Nikos).
02-may-2014The GPD(T) fit now works for the simplest cases.
24-apr-2014Added POAMA/PEODAS WWV and D20 (Thanks Harry).
24-apr-2014The plots of trends in extremes now shift the distribution rather than the observation (Thanks Fredi, Nathalie, Myles).
24-apr-2014There was a possibility that your metadata for an uploaded file survived the nightly cleaning script whereas the data itself would not. When someone else re-used the number the metadata pointed to that other file. I added some checking and hope that is enough to kill this problem (thanks William).
24-apr-2014The CMIP5 sic (sea-ice concentration) fields were incomplete, re-running the scripts (Thanks Kenneth).
14-apr-2014Fixed a bug in the ERA-interim Tmin/Tmax fields. These accidentally only considered the minimum/maximum temperature over 6-12 UTC and 18-24 UTC, not the other half of the day.
14-apr-2014Fixed a big bug in the Berkeley TMIN/TMAX monthly gridded fields, which had the time axis off by four months since 8 March 2014 (thanks Rob).
11-apr-2014Updated CRU scPDSI to the version based on 3.21 (thanks Gerard).
11-apr-2014Added SPEI 3 and 6 months fields due to popular demand, they are now based on CRU 3.20 and run to 2011.
11-apr-2014Fixed bug in EMEP emission fields, now annual (thanks Stockton).
07-apr-2014Fixed a bug in handling annual data with a 360-day or 365-day calendar, which also affected the Climate Change Atlas (Thanks Dan).
04-apr-2014Added option to plot return times of low and high extremes in one plot (thanks Mark).
03-apr-2014Added option to plot z-values to normal distribution fit under "compute mean, s.d. or extremes".
02-apr-2014E-OBS upgraded to v10.0.
02-apr-2014CRU TS upgraded to 3.21 (thanks Harry).
26-mar-2014I think the GEV fit to extremes with trend now also works properly with the "scale" option (adjusting μ and σ simultaneously). The numbers were correct but the plot was off.
26-mar-2014Fixed a bug in reading daily netcdf files if the start year was later than the first year of data (leap year problem). The answer was almost always nonsense, no correlation at all.
20-mar-2014The error in the 0.25° E-OBS fields has been fixed (an old version of nco corrupted the file with more than 2^31 values).
19-mar-2014There is an error in the 0.25° E-OBS analyses, please use the 0.5° version or v8.0.
13-mar-2014SPECS verification measures were added (thanks Stefan, Camiel). They seem to work, please report problems.
08-mar-2014Added Berkeley daily homogenised Tavg, Tmin, Tmax analyses, updated monthly ones to 2013
07-mar-2014Finally upgraded the GHCN station temperatures to version 3
04-mar-2014First data from the extraordinary winter 2013/2014 available now, for plots see also the overview world weather
18-feb-2013Due to a network reconfiguration the Climate Explorer has been unavailable 14:40-15:10 GMT+1.
10-feb-2013The option in the time-dependent GEV-fit of block maxima (minima) to scale the position and scale parameters simultaneously seems to work now. This option is recommended for large-scale precipitation.
05-feb-2013The monthly update failed on a full hard disk, which means quite a few files have been corrupted. I am repairing most, please let me know which ones I missed.
09-jan-2013Changed the way countries are treated: if a region (island) is too small to have a grid point in the interior it contributes proportional to its area. This way small countries still give a result, even though it may not be completely representative of the area of the country itself.
09-jan-2013Added a set of 235 countries to the pre-defined masks. Also split up a few countries with overseas parts. Please send me useful subdivisions if you need these.
16-dec-2013The 2013 ERA-interim 3D fields have the order of the levels reversed, so that the 850mb level was continued with 300mb etc. Fixed. (Thanks Phil.)
11-dec-2013A typo introduced a month ago (lack of concentration...) meant that netcdf files with a "since" date with days other than one were offset in time. This affected the ERA-interim files (offset 14 months), possibly others (thanks Phil).
22-nov-2013Added hurs (relative humidity) to the CMIP5 dataset, put in list instead of huss (specific humidity).
01-nov-2013Added a first version of the Climate Change Atlas inspired by the IPCC WG1 AR5 Annex I "Atlas". Please report bugs
18-oct-2013Computing annual means of CMIP5 data should work again (thanks a lot Jorge).
18-oct-2013NCEP/NCAR and TAO data are updated again now that the shutdown has been ended.
08-oct-2013Fixed the monthly update of the ERA-interim monthly fields.
03-oct-2013Due to the US government shutdown some data (TAO, NCAR) cannot be updated any more.
25-sep-2013CMIP5 global means work again.
20-sep-2013GISTEMP has been updated to a new version of GHCN land data.
10-aug-2013Due to illness I will be unable to offer much support for the Climate Explorer the next half year. If there are technical problems (missing data or analysis methods that do not work) please also contact
02-aug-2013Added most pre-industrial control runs (piControl) to my CMIP5 collection.
02-aug-2013Due to computer problems at NOAA and my holiday the GHCN/CAMS update will be delayed this month.
30-jul-2013First version of percentile ETCCDI/ECA&D extreme routines, use with care (thanks Gerard).
22-jul-2013Patched a bug in the reliability diagram verification routine that the number of bins is never larger than Nens+1 (thanks Stefan).
17-jul-2013Updated the HadCRUT4, CRUTEM4 datasets to version
12-jul-2013Deleted the EC-EARTH tos r11 and r13 ensemble members because of errors, recomputing the ensemble means (thanks Rein).
10-jul-2013Due to full disk the GHCN-D update failed this month, I am redoing it, these data should be available again in a few hours.
10-jul-2013First implementation of a subset of the ETCCDI/ECA&D extreme indices for daily time series. Handle with care, not yet fully tested (thanks Gerard).
08-jul-2013A large part of the June 2013 data are available now
25-jun-2013Added the possibility to average fields over irregular region, either pre-defined SREX regions or uploaded by the user.
25-jun-2013Whoever is teaching a course at in Greece please do NOT use big datasets like CRU TS 3.1, GPCC 0.5°, the server can only handle 2 or 3 of these at the same time, not six.
24-jun-2013The zombie bug in the CESM1-CAM5 r3i1p1 data that was squashed more than a year ago has risen from the grave again. I deleted all data from this run until the correct version again replaces the buggy one and is propagated (thanks Kenneth)
20-jun-2013Fixed a serious bug in the field filtering routine that wrote Feb 29 in non-leap years as zeroes into the output file (as Mar 1 the first time, Mar 2 the second, etc). This also meant the output was too long. I hope no-one else was bitten by this one.
19-jun-2013Updated the field significance routine to include statements for return times and to use a somewhat different way to estimate the decorrelation length which emphasises the signal regions more.
19-jun-2013Fixed a bug in the running correlation routine: the scatterplot at the end contained the last random sereis from the Monte Carlo significance test rather than real data. Fixed. (thanks Tim).
11-jun-2013Updated the CMIP5 tos (SST) fields. CSIRO now has -1.8°C under sea ice, I was shown a way to interpolate the CMCC and GFDL fields as well (thanks Enrico), only BNU-ESM is still missing.
10-jun-2013GPCP daily precipitation updated to v1.2, which also brings it up-to-date (thanks Rogier).
04-jun-2013Fixed the BNU-ESM land/sea mask (again).
03-jun-2013Fixed SVD routine (apparently I am the only user of it).
27-may-2013Updated CMIP5 radiation variables and SST to the AR5 model set.
17-may-2013Updated CMIP5 tasmin, tasmax, evspsbl, pme, taz (zonal mean air temperature) to the AR5 model set.
17-may-2013CRU 0.5° global scPDSI now replaces the old Europe, US versions. (Due to an administrative error of mine they had disappeared for a few days.) (thanks Gerard, Ronald)
14-may-2013GISS data were unavailable for a few days due to a corrupted ocean data file
13-may-2013IPCC WG1 AR5 Final Draft deadline has passed.
23-apr-2013NOTE: Changed the "frozen" March 15 dataset: ETHZ and the Met Office could not figure out what the correct data for HadGEM2-ES RCP8.5 r1i1p1 was, so we switched to HadGEM2-ES r2i1p1 for all scenarios (thanks Urs)
23-apr-2013Fixed an error in the GPCP land/sea mask, which was not properly checked in the area-averaging routine (thanks Jouni)
16-apr-2013The cause of yesterday's crash seems to be a course at ICTP that overwhelmed the server. Please, when using the Climate Explorer for teaching, realise that it only has 6GB of RAM, which gives an upper limit to the number of fields that can be analysed simultaneously. (ten small, low-resolution ones, only two CRU TS 0.5° fields at the same time). It is essential to tell the students not to re-try when the machine is slow, as that will bring it down completely. Contact me for more tips. I have implemented a simple `too busy' check, hope that helps next time.
16-apr-2013The Climate Explorer froze up completely at 17:42 on 15 April 2013. The system people have rebooted it at 08:50 this morning.
04-apr-2013The CMIP5 variables pr and tas should now correspond to the March-15 freeze for IPCC WG1 AR5 (thanks Urs)
04-apr-2013The routine that reads data in the format "yr mo dy val" now also recognises -999.9 (thanks Janneke)
29-mar-2013I am hitting a snag in putting the IPCC WG1 AR5 dataset in: there are 105 ensemble members for RCP4.5. This entails that I am checking and rewriting tens of scripts to be able to handle 3-digit ensemble numbers. This may take a while.
29-mar-2013While waiting, you could read our latest article Reliability of regional climate model trends, which was made with the previous version of the dataset.
26-mar-2013After a lot of very hard work, the ETHZ managed to define the March 15 cut-off CMIP5 dataset last night (thanks a lot Urs). I will regenerate all my data variable by variable, indicating the status by the colour of the variable on the CMIP5 page. I hope to be able to handle one or two variables per day.
20-mar-2013CPC annular modes (AO, AAO) is again updated (thanks Michiel), HadISTT1 is again updated (thanks Tom), SPEI updated to new version (thanks Sergio)
08-mar-2013Made my CMIP5 z500 and z200 data available. Now that I have a bit more disk space: what else do you need?
05-mar-2013HadSST AMO indices work again.
05-mar-2013A lot of data for February 2013 has been loaded into the Climate Explorer
25-feb-2013Found a bug in my handling of the MOHMAT 4.3 which caused all anomalies to be rounded down to the nearest integer (thanks Leif, Bob)
25-feb-2013Updated NCDC gridded land temperature dataset to v3.2.1 (thanks Ahira)
25-feb-2013Updated GISTEMP gridded datasets to using ERSST instead of HadSST2/SSTOI (thanks Warwick)
22-feb-2013Added a few SPEI drought indices from CSIC (thanks Tobias)
19-feb-2013Due to the unreliability of the storage that our IT department forces us to use for CMIP5 data these sometimes disappear. I am doing my best to hack around it, but it is not easy.
15-feb-2013A reference publications has just come out: KNMI Climate Explorer: a web-based research tool for high-resolution paleoclimatology (thanks Valerie)
31-jan-2013GISS kindly made available the updated gridded GISTEMP fields (thanks rbs).
31-jan-2013Fixed DOS download for MSIE users (thanks Harmen).
31-jan-2013Added Berkeley gridded Tavg, Tmin, Tmax 1750-2012 (thanks Ed).
31-jan-2013Updated HadSST3 to version, which is updated in real time (thanks Ed).
14-dec-2012Updated the University of Alabama at Huntsville temperature of the lower troposphere to v5.5, which also makes it up-to-date (thanks Hughes).
14-dec-2012The Climate Explorer did not function properly for a few hours earlier today due to a full disk, this was cleared automatically during the night. As I am very busy in Tasmania this week I cannot respond as quickly as usual.
21-dec-2012Some internal storage difficulties broke my CMIP5 scripts, I am rebuilding the database on the Climate Explorer variable by variable.
19-dec-2012Deleted BN-ESM, CMCC, GFDL, inmcm4 sic fields because of obvious errors. The rest at least have the continents in the correct location.
10-dec-2012Updated pathfinder NDVI to UMD GIMMS NDVI 1981-2006 (thanks Mark).
09-dec-2012Changed back to the old map for the western hemisphere so that the US regains its state boundaries (thanks Andria).
06-dec-2012Added ERA-interim snow depth and sea ice cover for obvious reasons.
01-dec-2012Replaced hires map with newmap showing newer countries (thanks Simon).
25-nov-2012After 16 hours of down-time the disk space expansion of the Climate Explorer has been completed.
14-nov-2012The CMIP5 sea ice area fraction (sic) fields have not yet been checked thoroughly, use at own risk.
04-nov-2012Added NCAR global sc_PDSI (thanks Jessica).
01-nov-2012Added the NASA MERRA reanalysis.
26-oct-2012Updated FRESCO satellite cloud products.
26-oct-2012Updated NSIDC bootstrap ice concentration.
23-oct-2012Updated GPCC precipitation to v6.
23-oct-2012Extended 20C reanalysis to 2010.
22-oct-2012Updated NCDC gridded temperatures to v3.2.0.
17-oct-2012Added ERA-interim T2m and T2m/SST global mean temperature and fields.
15-oct-2012Changed to the near-real-time HadCRUT. series and fields.
15-oct-2012Added ERA-interim zonal mean temperature and zonal wind.
11-oct-2012Trying to get the zonal mean temperature the right way up I accidentally put all other maps upside-down from 18:30 to 19:30 UTC. Fixed. (Thanks Bob).
10-oct-2012Added CMIP5 zonal-mean atmospheric temperature fields. I have been promised slightly more disk space for the Climate Explorer, please let me know which variables you need.
10-oct-2012Changed the default land/sea option to be 50% land and 50% sea, this works best for the CMIP5 fields with fractional land/sea grid boxes. The old options of 100% land and 100% sea are still available but hidden by default.
03-oct-2012Added ERA-interim upper-air fields, changed the update script to obtain all ERA-interim fields via the python MARS interface. (Learned python.) Should update more regularly from now on.
26-sep-2012Reinstated the ERA-interim daily T2m, Tmax, Tmin, MSL and precipitation fields. Caution — these are large.
25-sep-2012Fixed a bug in the running correlation / regression routine - if N years were requested N+1 were calculated (thanks Chris).
21-sep-2012Added RAPID Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation observations at 26.5°N.
20-sep-2012Fixed a few bugs in showing Gumbel plots.
18-sep-2012Upgraded to GISTEMP v3, is up-to-date again.
07-sep-2012Also doubled the visual resolution of the line graphs, which makes them a bit more fuzzy in the browser but sharper outside and sharper on doubled-resolution systems.
29-aug-2012Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the wavelet routine to crash.
29-aug-2012Doubled the visual resolution of the maps.
23-aug-2012Added error estimates to the Gumbel fit of time series.
22-aug-2012Fixed a typo in the GEV fit routine that could give rise bad error estimates (visually obvious) on the return times.
06-jul-2012There is an error in the routine that compautes area avreages or interpolates to grid points. Please reload if it does not work until I have tracked the bug down.
05-jul-2012The CRU TS 3.10 precipitation analysis has been replaced by 3.10.01. There was a systematic error which identified valid station values as 'excessive', removing them from the gridding process. The effect was to lower precipitation totals in many areas.
15-jun-2012Redid all CMIP5 land fields, now with undefined values over sea (except CESM1-WACCM, which does not yet provide a land/sea mask). I hope they are finally correct.
12-jun-2012The CMIP5 FGOALS-s2 data have some strange properties, I have discarded these for the time being.
12-jun-2012I think I fixed all bugs in the land variables (mrso, mrro, mrros).
11-jun-2012The heat fluxes look OK; note that the IPSL models vary incoming solar radiation to simulate the effects of volcanoes rather than the outgoing solar radiation.
11-jun-2012The EC-EARTH, FGOALS-s2 evspsbl fields had the opposite sign of that of the other models. Fixed.
06-jun-2012Checked the CMIP5 tas, pr & psl fields for obvious errors, tos still has problems. Please notify me if you find anything suspicious in the CMIP5 collection.
05-jun-2012Deleted the CEMS1-CAM5 RCP8.5 run, which seems to be wrong.
04-jun-2012Updating the CMIP5 dataset, the form may not always report the correct number of ensemble members or models these days.
01-jun-2012Added Berkeley global land surface temperature 1800-2009.
01-jun-2012Again adding new CMIP5 models, notably CESM1-*, FIO-ESM and HadGEM2-AO.
08-may-2012Adding a couple of new models to my CMIP5 and reorganising it a bit because I ran out of disk space (again). Files are now in subdirectories named after the variable, eg tas/ Things should stabilise over the next days or so.
08-may-2012Fixed CNRM-CM5 RCP8.5 r4i1p1 sos field (wrong in Jan2040). All sos fields look OK now. Back to science.
07-may-2012Fixed MIROC5, MRI-CGCM3 sos and tos fields (had zero instead of undef over land, thanks Mxolisi).
07-may-2012Deleted EC-EARTH CMIP5 ocean data.
04-may-2012Trying to define a CMIP5 multi-model ensemble with one member per model, this fits in better with IPCC conventions and the rest of the Climate Explorer. Not yet sure it is correct yet.
02-may-2012Added EN3 ocean salinity content.
25-apr-2012Updated the Google Earth overlay output routine for even prettier pictures.
25-apr-2012The RPS routine in the verification section was off by a factor two up to now (thanks Eida)
24-apr-2012WARNING: due to bugs in ncrcat and cdo some daily ERA-40 and ERA-interim fields on the Climate Explorer have non-obvious errors that cause large errors in trend maps. We are investigating which fields are affected (thanks Erik)
13-apr-2012Added monthly PIOMAS reanalysis sea ice volume (thanks RealClimate)
11-apr-2012Fixed the ERA-interim P-E field, due to a sign convention error it was P+E... (thanks Mark)
04-apr-2012Added some ENSEMBLES RCM fields locally, see the expanded menu on the right (thanks Ronald)
21-mar-2012Added the CRUTEM4 data (thanks CRU & Warwick)
21-mar-2012The Climate Explorer server has been unavailable from 13 to 15 MET due to the addition of more storage for CMIP5 data.
19-mar-2012Fixed a bug that caused a user-defined minimum fraction of valid data to be ignored when computing an area average (thanks Greg). Fixed a bug in the bug-fix (thanks Renske). It should work for all fields again.
15-mar-2012Found a bug in the Fortran compiler that prevents the 0.25 daily E-OBS fields to be used (since Jan 1 they have more than 2^31 fields). I will try to find a work-around (thanks David).
15-mar-2012Added lots of CMIP5 SST (tos) data.
13-mar-2012Adding GFDL CMIP5 data from GFDL.
13-mar-2012The network problems have been solved.
12-mar-2012Adding lots of CMIP5 data and extending the interpolated fields to 2100. This may results in the apparent loss of some data on the selection page. Sometimes the data is still there, other times please wait for about two hours until the scrtipt has finished.
12-mar-2012Due to network problems at KNMI the Climate Explorer may be unreachable from time to time.
12-mar-2012Added a few SNAO indices.
08-mar-2012The Climate Explorer has been unavailable 08-mar-2012 8:30-10:30 MET (GMT+1) when the server was moved to a new computer room (a few hours earlier than planned).
07-mar-2012Due to a debug statement that found its way onto the production server the lat/lon co-ordinates could not be selected from 18:00 to 23:00 GMT
07-mar-2012Fixed a bug that caused HadISST1 ice fields to be off by one month (thanks Richard).
02-mar-2012Fixed a bug that prevented daily correlations from completing (thanks Harry).
17-jan-2012Added the various RCP CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations (under CMIP5).
09-Jan-2012The "external data" option has been partially repaired. NCEP works when the server is not too busy (US night trime), ENSEMBLES regional data from DMI should work but seems to have problems, ENSEMBLES s2d data from ECMWF does not work. I am trying to find out where the problems are.
04-Jan-2012Accidentally left a debug print statement on so extracting a point from a field failed for a few (quiet) days.
01-Jan-2012Happy New Year!
28-dec-2011Just like the field-series correlation routine the field-field correlation routine now also checks for serial autocorelatins in the residuals and adjusts the number of degrees of freedom downward if these are significantly different from zero. Note that the series-series correlation routine does not yet do this.
28-dec-2011Fixed a bug in the conversion from mm/month to mm/dy. The number of days of the wrong month was used (thanks Ronald).
21-dec-2011KML export to Google Earth and GIS programs of station data works again.
21-dec-2011Added 242 homogenised daily precipitation series in the Netherlands (thanks Theo, Adri).
19-dec-2011Still finding & fixing bugs... Pleaes note that many bookmarks may no longer work as they do not use the new calling convention. The same holds for the search function, I'll regenerate the index one of these days.
19-dec-2011Installed a new version of R, the RCLIM verification routines seem to work again.
16-dec-2011Fixed another two bugs introduced in the security improvement operation (thanks Ronald).
16-dec-2011Fixed a bug in the "view per month" option.
13-dec-2011A bug has been fixed in the field upload routine that gave the message that the upload had failed when it had not (thanks Helen).
05-dec-2011The recent security audit brought to light extensive vulnerabilities for cross-site scripting. To close these I had to change 165 of the 350 cgi scripts that comprise the Climate Explorer. Although I checked the most common functions, it is almost impossible that no errors are left after this operation. Please report problems. (Thanks to Bob, Phil (2x) and Ileana (2x) for reporting the first bugs.)
01-dec-2011The Canadian 10.7cm solar radio flux had moved and is now up-to-date again (and yes, the sun is quite active again, but it hardly makes any difference to the weather).
22-nov-2011Fixed a bug in the routine that converted daily station data to netcdf, leap years were miscounted. If you have downloaded daily time series data between 27 February 2011 and today in netcdf format please regenerate it (thanks Jimmy).
13-nov-2011Added a lot more CMIP5 data (notably CCSM4 and MPI-ESM-LR models).
25-oct-2011Fixed a bug in the routine that generates the difference maps that caused the error and p-value of relative differences to be underestimated. Please regenerate any of these maps. My excuses.
25-oct-2011Fixed the "subtract influence from time series" script..
24-oct-2011Due to a format change ain the ECA&D metadata all heights of stations in this dataset were shown a factor 10 too low (thanks Maria).
16-oct-2011Added a page to analyse CMIP5 global mean temperatures directly at the bottom of "Monthly climate indices". Can also be reached from the CMIP5 fields page. More indices may follow.
14-oct-2011The CMIP5 decadal hindcast dataset (starting dates 1960, 1965, ..., 2000, 2005) is now available under "monthly decadal forecasts". Please double-check your results and report problems to me
14-oct-2011The Climate Explorer server can handle at most four people correlating with 0.5° CRU TS 3.1 fields at the same time as these are over 1 GB in size. If there are more students in your group, please choose a smaller field (lower spatial resolution or shorter time span) or make sure no more than four students do the exercise at the same time.
14-oct-2011Fixed a lot of small bugs.
06-oct-2011The ministerial audit service is testing whether the site is secure enough, this casues the server to respond badly from time to time.
03-oct-2011Trenberth SLP is updated again (thanks Ileana).
03-oct-2011GHCN-D data is complete again (thanks Leigh).
28-sep-2011Fixed an error in adding netcdf4 support that resulted in the inability to upload time series from 10:40 to 14:25 MET+1. It should work again (thanks Bernd).
28-sep-2011Switching to netcdf4 for CMIP5 to save space.
22-sep-2011Fixed the units and factor two error in the ERA-interim fluxes (thanks Thijs, Mark).
22-sep-2011Added CMIP5 radiation data.
06-sep-2011E-OBS has been updated to v5.0.
06-sep-2011New CMIP5 data has been added.
05-sep-2011The CMIP5 CSIRO Mk 3.6.0 tas data were from an old experiment and have been deleted. I will download the correct data ASAP (thanks Leon).
04-sep-2011Updated CMAP to a new version.
01-sep-2011Added some fields from the CMIP5 archive. Note that many modelling groups have not yet piublished their data, these are the early ones. I will try to update my page from time to time.
19-aug-2011The ERA-interim re-analysis has been extended backwards to 1979 (and forwards to May2011).
16-aug-2011NCDC gridded files have also been updated (temperatures to v3).
16-aug-2011Updated TRMM precipitation to v7 (sigh)
15-aug-2011Updated GPCP precipitation to v2.2
14-aug-2011Updated the data to July 2011, TRMM has switched to v7, which seems unavailable at the moment.
14-aug-2011I have not yet had time to update GHCN to v3, so most monthly station data is not up-to-date.
23-jul-2011Added max consecutive [eg dry] days to the options to make lower time resolution series.
23-jul-2011Added CMIP3 soil moisture (thanks Boris).
13-jul-2011Added CMIP3 SRES A2 daily precipittaion (thanks Boris).
7-jul-2011Added HadSST3.
7-jul-2011Added observation bias corrected hurricane counts and a statistical hurricane model based on SST (thanks Gabe).
10-jun-2011Fixed a bug in the SODA surface data metadata that prevented direct plots from working (thanks Desmond).
10-jun-2011Fixed a bug that meant 0.25° global fields such as TRMM+GPCC could not be handled (thanks Martin).
06-jun-2011Upgraded the CRU TS 3 fields to CRU TS 3.1 (thanks Oliver, Charlie).
03-jun-2011Reinstated the annual climate indices page and added a bunch of annual AMO, PDO, ENSO, NH temperature, SST, drought reconstructions (thanks Gene) Caveat Emptor.
03-jun-2011Added Cook's Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas PDSI reconstruction 1300-2005, updated the North American one to v2 (0-2006) (thanks Gene)
03-jun-2011Yesterday (02-jun-2011, Ascension Day) the Climate Explorer was not functional due to a full /tmp directory.
01-jun-2011Added an option to normalise a time series (thanks Harry).
30-may-2011Added a correction factor of +2.2% to pre-1981 global radiation data in the Netherlands to account for the change from IPS1956 to WRR (thanks Rudmer).
27-may-2011Fixed a bug in the EOF routine that caused the seasonal cycle to be shown even if only one season was chosen (thanks Ileana).
27-may-2011Added the possibility to remove time series from the list of user-defined indices.
11-may-2011Updated most data up to April 2011 and ERA-interim up to February 2011.
23-apr-2011Repaired the corrupted HadSST2, HadISST1 and merged CRUTEM3/HadSST2 datasets (the update script was not resilient against a problem downloading from the Met Office).
03-apr-2011Added an option to investigate the first or last time in a year a threshold is reached, eg the onset of a monsoon or the first warm day of spring (yesterday in Holland).
28-mar-2011Changed the default for spectra to have the height of a peak indicate the power; it used to be the area under the peak. The old way is still available as an option.
25-mar-2011Added an option to investigate the time of year a minimum or maximum occurs.
21-mar-2011Worked around a compiler bug that caused programs that worked with some data files larger than 2 GB to crash mysteriously (thanks Rob).
16-mar-2011Found a bug in the error estimates of the GEV fit routine. It did not take the uncertainty in the shape parameter into account and hence underestimated the 95% CI.
16-mar-2011Added an option to fit a GEV to fields. You have to take the block maxima yourself first.
14-mar-2011Added SIOD (thanks Jens).
14-mar-2011Fixed a bug in the error estimate and p-value of the relative difference of two fields.
10-mar-2011Updated E-OBS daily data to v4.0.
07-mar-2011Updated ERA-interim up to Dec 2010.
27-feb-2011Enabled plotting of maps of daily station data.
27-feb-2011Fixed a bug in the generation of netcdf time series from daily data (thanks Dimos).
25-feb-2011Fixed a bug that prevented access to the ECA&D daily station data.
21-feb-2011Re-instated the possibility to choose the y-axis in wavelet transform, added the possibility to mask out insignificant areas (thanks Chris, Nerilie).
21-feb-2011Most Jan 2011 data are on the site.
09-feb-2011The ERSST v3b dataset had erroneaous data for January 2011, they are working on a fix.
07-feb-2011The GISS fields & land/sea time series contained invalid data for the whole year 2011 from Friday Feb 4 10:08 MET until Monday Feb 7 11:51 MET.
28-jan-2011Extended the range for time series analyses to 2000BC-2300AD. Skip the year zero (it does not exist). Wavelet plots of time series starting BC are shifted to start at year 1 due to a bug in GrADS (thanks Chris).
19-jan-2011Added GSFC "bootstrap" ice concentrations 1981-2006 (thanks Nerilie).
17-jan-2011Added some security measures, these should not impact normal usage, please let me know if they do. Update: fixed one typo that prevented ascii uploads from working.
14-jan-2011Updated the UAH temperature of the lower troposphere dataset to version 5.4 (in which 2010 is as warm as 1998).
14-jan-2011Fixed a bug in searching for GHCN-D stations.
11-jan-2011Added an option to change the white areas with p>cutoff to light colours (thanks Sergei)
04-jan-2011Added GPCC V5 analysis (thanks Ileana).
03-jan-2011Fixed a bug in the "plot this field" option. When plotting a daily field averaging over N>1 days the climatology was only computed for the first day.
02-jan-2011Due to a programming error the Central Netherlands Temperature was off by a few tenths of a degree for 2000-2010 during Jan 1 2011 and the morning of Jan 2, some statstically homogenised series were too short (thanks Joop). Happy New Year anyway to all users.
31-dec-2010Replaced 2D CFSR reanalysis fields by high-res ones, added 3D fields (thanks Wesley).
30-dec-2010Added some CFSR reanalysis fields, I finally managed to crack the GRIB2 encoding (thanks Wesley).
20-dec-2010Added the CMIP3 ensmble on a common 128x64 grid and a common time period 1900-2099 as all 54 ensemble members, all 23 models (averaging ensemble members of the same model) and the multi-model mean (averaging all models). Note that this enemble is NOT the same as the one used in the IPCC AR4, as some models were entered after the publication date of that report.
14-dec-2010Found a nasty bug in the correlations of daily time series with a daily field if the correlation was restricted to a few months and data was missing from the time series (thanks Ileana). The detrend option also did not work for daily data.
13-dec-2010Switched to longer name for intermediate results, this should result in fewer clashes ("error opening standard input" and the wrong plot) (thanks Ileana).
13-dec-2010Most Nov 2010 data is available now.
13-dec-2010The Climate Explorer was very slow becuase somebody in Mainz told a group of students to all use the CRU TS 3 dataset at 0.5°. If you are teaching please use a smaller dataset, the server only has 6GB of RAM.
22-nov-2010Most Oct 2010 data is available now.
28-oct-2010Added GRACE land and ocean data from JPL/NASA (thanks Bert)
26-oct-2010Added an estimate of the field significance to the maps, the numbers may still change slightly over the next few days. Please report errors back.
18-oct-2010Most September 2010 data are available.
08-oct-2010Note to climate sceptics: the trends in NCEP/NCAR R1 OLR and ISCCP cloud cover are not physical.. Please check your data before making claims, in the literature or against other datasets.
08-oct-2010Improved text entry on mobile devices, enabled work-around for number entry bugs in Safari.
24-sep-2010Added whole-world 0.5° CRU TS 3 files. These are large, so please use the Old World/New World versions when possible.
21-sep-2010Most August 2010 data is available.
13-sep-2010Added some daily ENSEMBLES RT2b RCM Tmax (thanks William).
13-sep-2010Due to a configuration error at KNMI my e-mail did not work from Monday morning until mid-afternoon (Dutch time). Please resend any e-mail that has bounved.
31-aug-2010Added a lot of daily CMIP3 data.
26-aug-2010Added GeoTIFF export option to all gridded plots, impoved KML export.
24-aug-2010Fixed a bug that caused access to remote data to fail since Aug 2 (thanks Paco).
24-aug-2010Fixed a bug in the GPD fit routine that caused crashes when computing the return times of the July 2010 temperatures in Russia.
24-aug-2010The Climate Explorer did not work for a few hours in the early morning of August 11 and 13. This was due to too many people using the CRU TS 3 datasets at the same time in a course. Please, if you are teaching, do not ask more than half a dozen people to use CRU TS 3 (or another large dataset) simultaneously, the system cannot handle that. You can generate a subset covering the region of interes or let the students work in groups.
24-aug-2010All July NRT data are available.
10-aug-2010Due to maintainance at the central storage server the Climate Explorer will be unavailable Tuesday August 10 or Wednesday August 11 from 17:45 to 19:30 Dutch time (15:45-17:30 GMT).
04-aug-2010Due to the expected weather the interruption on August 4 has been CANCELLED.
27-jul-2010GeoTIFF format output is now available on single time step fields for easy import into GIS systems (thanks Maarten, Michael).
20-jul-2010The problems with colour PDF generation have been solved (thanks Henk).
22-jul-2010The help pop-ups work again (thanks Ileana).
20-jul-2010There are problems with the colour PDF generation in the version of ghostscript on the new server (thanks Catharine).
20-jul-2010All data should be up-to-date on the new server. Please report any problems you may encounter. Back to work...
19-jul-2010The Climate Explorer has moved to the new server. Some data may be last month's, I will synchronize soon.
07-jul-2010Due to an upgrade of the KNMI storage server the Climate Explorer servers will both be unavailble from 17:00 to 19:00 GMT+2 today.
05-jul-2010The new server is avilable for testing at It can handle much larger datasets (64-bit) and should be faster. I have ported the Climate Explorer software, but do not have time to test everything. Please mail me remaining errors.
05-jul-2010The Climate Explorer is from now on part of the WMO Regional Climate Centre at KNMI, together with the ECA&D project. The styling has been adjusted accordingly and some menus have been moved (on the new server only).
28-jun-2010Added data from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis 1871-2008 (thanks Gill) and ERA-interim.
21-jun-2010Most May 2010 data is available now.
14-jun-2010Learned a bit more about HTML5, the iPhone optimisations should not be a nuisance in Safari 5 any more.
31-may-2010Made the site more iPhone-friendly.
26-may-2010Added the FRESCO cloud dataset (thanks Ping).
19-may-2010Added a few NCEP/DOE R2 fields (thanks Bob).
17-may-2010Most April 2010 data are available.
14-may-2010Upgraded E-OBS European data to v3.0.
14-apr-2010Upgraded UAH temperature of the lower troposhere to v5.3a.
13-apr-2010Most March 2010 data are available.
07-apr-2010Added NSIDC sea ice indices, updated CMAP to v10001, finally got the workaround for wring undefined in RT2b files correct.
01-apr-2010A third reboot was necessary at 11:00 GMT+2. Expect more data over the next weeks: ERA-interim, 20C reanalysis, CFSRR, ...
31-mar-2010A second reboot was necessary at 16:00 GMT+2.
31-mar-2010The Climate Explorer has been rebooted to increase the storage at 14:00 GMT+2.
30-mar-2010The ENSEMBLES RCM data (RT2b and RT3) are now checked for wrong undefined values, and patched if necessary. This takes some time, but still is necessary (thanks Tanya).
22-mar-2010The HCDN US run-off data work again (thanks Nathan).
18-mar-2010Due to a typo the RSS TLT fields were not updated. They should be up-to-date from now on.
17-mar-2010The GPD and normal return value maps now also work for low extremes (I had not needed this the last few years). Try it with the winter 2009/2010 temperatures.
17-mar-2010Fixed a weird bug when ensemble averaging .ncar data (thanks Frank).
17-mar-2010Fixed a bug in the field subsetting routine that caused the last few values to be undefined.
16-mar-2010Most february 2010 data is now available.
16-mar-2010The full NCEP reanalyses under "external dat" do not work due to an unreachable server at NCEP.
12-mar-2010Due to a full disk the Climate Eplorer did not work correctly from 15:30 to 17:30 MET.
10-mar-2010Added the HadCRUH humidity field (thanks Patrick).
08-mar-2010Fixed the HadRM3 fields in the ENSEMBLES RT2b external dataset, these are stored in multiple files (thanks Tanya).
01-mar-2010Added a few ERA-interim fields, the rest will have to wait until I get a bigger hard disk (which I have been told will take another three weeks).
01-mar-2010Most January data should be in, the February preliminary sunspot number has arrived as well (up).
17-feb-2010Fixed a bug in the boxcar year-on-year filtering: if you requested N years you got N+1.
17-feb-2010Added Moberg's 2000-yr NH temperature reconstruction. Does anybody have suggestions for better ones?
11-feb-2010Added daily NAO, AO, PNA & AAO values from NCEP.
11-feb-2010Added the possibility to download a spatial subset of a field (thanks Mxolisi).
11-feb-2010Added a lot of CMIP3 daily data that is useful for crop models (thanks Mxolisi).
10-feb-2010Most January 2010 data is in, including the GHCN/CAMS land 2m temperatures that Yun Fan prepared by ssh'ing to the office through 1m of snow in Washington. Thank you!
05-feb-2010Added an option to the GHCN station data selection form to restrict the search to a specified period. Note that this returns the number of stations, not the number of time series, as many stations have multiple time series before 1990.
28-jan-2010A lot of data was accidentally deleted on my workstation today. I think I have recovered everything, please mail me if a dataset is missing or not updated.
22-jan-2010Changed the font on the gnuplot PNG plots to DejaVu Sans Condensed.
22-jan-2010Fixed a bug in "subtract N previous years" that gave an empty plot.
19-jan-2010BMRC MJO indices are updated again.
13-jan-2009Extended NCEP/NCAR 500mb bandpass-filtered variance to now, added 200mb. Results are slightly different than before due to another bandpass filter, this may change.
07-jan-2009Please, if an operation on a 0.5° dataset takes some time do not resubmit a few times. This will crash the server.
07-jan-2009The last 12 hours or so the Climate Explorer has sometimes not worked due to a full hard disk. I have made an emergency fix and hope to have a real solution soon.
06-jan-2009Most December data have been uploaded.
05-jan-2009Added LOESS filters for time series and fields.
24-dec-2009Enjoy the holiday season.
24-dec-2009The November data are in, except some data from CRU.
18-nov-2009The October data are in, except some data from CRU.
18-nov-2009The ECA&D daily sation data were unavailable from yesterday evening to 5 minutes ago due to a format change (thanks Jeremy).
13-nov-2009Added the Trenberth and Shea (2006) definition of the AMO index next to my own.
12-nov-2009Fixed the units on the E-OBS precipitation files, these should have been mm/day (thanks Ileana).
09-nov-2009Included October data as much as possible.
09-nov-2009At 11:24 local time (09:24 UTC) the Climate Explorerhas been rebooted to install system upgrades, time off-line was 5 minutes.
19-oct-2009The last weekend the Climate Explorer has been mostly unusable due to a full hard disk. I could not fix it because my workstation had crashed. Everything should work again.
15-oct-2009Could not draw maps for half an hour. Fixed. (thanks Martin for reporting this).
15-oct-2009There was an error in the last 3-month data point of the NODC ocean heat content dataset, as anyone who made a map of the data could see. The problem has been fixed at NODC (thanks Gavin, Tim).
14-oct-2009Due to a full hard disk the system did not work for half an hour or so.
10-oct-2009The Climate Explorer may have been slow the last few months because the Microsoft search engine crawler sometimes calls itself "Netscape 4.0" instead of "msnbot/2.0b", causing the site to fully retrieve thousands of daily time series at high speed.
09-oct-2009The daily European ¼° and ½° E-OBS datasets are now updated every month (thanks Else)
07-oct-2009Added Sep 2009 as far as possible.
01-oct-2009Fixed a bug in the NODC heat content, please disregard previous versions (thanks Caroline).
01-oct-2009Added SO2 from the RCPs for CMIP5, more fields upon request.
28-sep-2009Added the total solar irradiance data used for CMIP5 (thanks Wilco). Spectrally resolved data upon request.
23-sep-2009Fixed a bug that caused many monthly ERA40 fields to be offset by 9 months, starting in Jan1957 instead of Sep1957 (thanks Martin).
23-sep-2009Added EMEP SO2 and NOx emission fields (thanks Robert).
21-sep-2009I finally completed an SVD routine. It has not yet been thoroughly tested, any volunteers? As a side effect the EOF menu item moved up to a more visible location.
21-sep-2009The semi-automatic August update has been completed.
08-sep-2009ECA data were not available from 7-sep-2009 to 9-sep-2009 due to a format change in their files (thanks Jeremy). 09-sep-2009 Update: more changes were needed, it should work now
07-sep-2009Updated GPCP to version 2.1 (monthly) and 1.1 (daily), runs to nearly now again.
02-sep-2009Added the latest NODC ocean heat content (thanks Bob) UPDATE 4-sep-2009: the normalisation was not correct in the first version.
18-aug-2009Back from a holiday, most July data has been added (GHCN/CAMS temperatures should be available next week).
27-jul-2009Added global mean CO2 concentrations (thanks Åke).
21-jul-2009All near real-time data have been updated to Jun 2009.
09-jul-2009Due to the repair of the KNMI network the Climate Explorer has been unreachable for a few relatively short periods today.
09-jul-2009Updated the 1° GPCC precipitation monitoring product, it runs about two months begind real time. One day I'll also add their quick-look fields.
08-jul-2009Due to a network problem at KNMI the Climate Explorer has been unreachable from 3:15 to 5:30 UTC this morning.
03-jul-2009The internet connection is quite slow due to a KNMI weather alarm for violent thunderstorms in the north of the Netherlands this afternoon.
02-jul-2009The system is quite slow due to a course at the Free University of Berlin, where students submit a series of six identical operations on large daily datasets.
28-jun-2009Fixed a bug that GHCN v2 SLP stations could not be selected. (This bug has been there since Jan 15, did anyone try to use these data?).
26-jun-2009Due to a bug in my synch system no maps could be drawn this afternoon from 15 to 18 GMT. My excuses. GJ.
26-jun-2009Added University of Colorado monthly averaged sea-level time series from altimetry.
24-jun-2009I made a few programming errors while preparing the Climate Explorer for the verification of decadal prediction data. Everything should work again now, if it does not please contact me.
22-jun-2009Fixed a bug when computing a percentile cut on a field, this would crash (thanks Jens).
18-jun-2009Added the KNMI multi-sensor ozone column re-analysis (thanks Marc).
17-jun-2009Added the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI).
17-jun-2009Fixed a bug that caused an underestimation of error margins of the correlation coefficients when averaging multiple years (p-values were OK). The autocorrelations were not handled correctly in the bootstrap. I will try to make his automatic RSN.
15-jun-2009Daily Nino indices are up-to-date again (wk1k bug).
08-jun-2009Most May 2009 data is available.
04-jun-2009Due to a typo the "anomaly" checkbox did not work for the last 24 hours (thanks Sjoukje).
03-jun-2009Added the 10 homogenised Dutch temperature stations that form the basis for the CNT (thanks Aad).
03-jun-2009Improved the handling of daily data a lot; one can now finally select all days in winter (thanks Bernadet). Fixed a bug in the handling of leap years in summing daily data.
20-may-2009Added a lot of new help texts (EOF, time options) in the train back from England. Also a slight reorganisation of the time options, they are now more consistent.
13-may-2009Added the ENSEMBLES West-African (AMMA) model data and Prudence RCM time-slice data under "External data" (thanks Ole).
08-may-2009Most April 2009 data is now available.
06-may-2009There are probems with the ECA dataset (reduced to some missing data now), the ECA people are hard at work to fix these.
06-may-2009There are probems with the ECA dataset (reduced to some missing data now and wrong dates now), the ECA people are hard at work to fix these.
06-may-2009The ENSEMBLES regional climate model data are now available under "External data" (thanks Ole).
06-may-2009The full NCEP reanalyses 1 & 2 are now available under "External data" (thanks Frits) UPDATE: the server is unreachable today.
28-apr-2009Added all stream2 ENSEMBLES seasonal hindcasts atmospheric variables (thanks Paco).
16-apr-2009The Mar 2009 data has been added as far as possible..
30-mar-2009Upgraded ERSST to version 3b (thanks Bob).
16-mar-2009Fixed a small bug in the transformation of daily time series to monthly meas: for February it would use the 29-day climatology also for non-leap years (thanks Aad).
12-mar-2009Lots of new Dutch daily data has been added.
11-mar-2009A colleague checked that the Climate Explorer also works well on an iPhone. Climate research on the beach is one step closer.
06-mar-2009The February 2009 data are available as far as possible.
05-mar-2009Found up-to-date PDO index from U. Washington back.
17-feb-2009Added the new seasonal Bern sea-level pressure reconstruction 1750-1849, merged with HadSLP2r up to 2008.
17-feb-2009Added the missing month Sep 2008 of the TRMM+GPCC fields, so that it is up-to-date again. If only they would have correct information on their web sites :-(.
10-feb-2009The ESSENCE data are now avaliable to everyone (17 runs with ECHAM5/MPI-OM 1950-2100).
09-feb-2009Some anonymous users at the Univestity of Bourgogne kept on submitting the same job, almost bringing the system down.
04-feb-2009The search function works again most of the time.
28-jan-2009Added CRU TS 3 vapour ressure, extended the others to 2006 (thanks Fred, Gerard).
21-jan-2009Allowed again download of BCCR, GISS, GFDL, NCAR, MPI and UKMO scenario runs (thanks Gavin).
21-jan-2009Fixed EOF routine that gave no answers (thanks Ileana).
14-jan-2009Started implementing help pop-ups, indicated by help.
07-jan-2009Fixed an error in the INGV ECHAM4 tas data (thanks Lucia).
07-jan-2009The December 2008 data are available as far as possible.
07-jan-2009The ECA data are OK again (thanks Gerard).
06-jan-2009Warning! The ECA European daily station database that I used since December 2008 was corrupt, many stations were interchanged. Please download again any ECA data you used over the last few months (thanks Eunmok).
17-dec-2008Combined "upload" and "view" user-defined series menu items into one page
16-dec-2008Global mean temperature estimates also include November 2008
12-dec-2008Added PSMSL global sea-level estimates 1700-2002
10-dec-2008Updated PSMSL sea-level station data, will be kept up-to-date from now on
07-dec-2008Updated most data to Nov 2008
30-nov-2008Dutch daily data were not copied to the external server from 12-nov-2008 to today
28-nov-2008Fixed a problem where incorrect leap days would crash the program.
28-nov-2008Removed underlines from links, is this still clear enough?
20-nov-2008Updates the TOMS aerosol index to something more reasonable (without OMI). There still are offsets beween the different satellites though (thanks Susan)
12-nov-2008On 12-nov-2008 the server has been unavailable for a few minutes starting 11:20 MET (10:20 GMT). Everything should work again.
06-nov-2008Fixed a serious bug in the handling of leap years in daily netcdf fields - sometimes there would be trailing zeros that were treated as valid data (thanks Richard)
06-nov-2008Moved starting date to 1250 (thanks Valerie)
27-oct-2008Upgraded CRU TS to version 3 (thanks Gerard)
27-oct-2008Added Rutgers Snow Lab NH snow cover time series
24-oct-2008Upgraded the GPCC land precipitation dataset to V4, now 1901-2007 (thanks Tobias)
23-oct-2008Some bugs were corrected in the composite routine (field-series only). The normalisation was off, and the p-values not entirely correct. Thanks Ileana, Richard
09-oct-2008Most september 2008 data should have been added.
22-sep-2008Fixed handling out-of-order years in GHCN data; time series would be unexpectedly short (thanks Antti).
22-sep-2008All August 2008 data should have been added.
22-sep-2008Fixed a bug that gave too low significances for lagged field-time series correlations. This bug was introduced about half a year ago when autocorrelations were taken into account in the calculation of p-values.
19-sep-2008Fixed downloading ascii fields.
18-sep-2008Added monthly NSIDC sea ice concentrations.
08-sep-2008Search function works again; at the last update the index program had crashed. The Climate Explorer seems to present roughly 239756 datasets nowadays. My thanks to the data suppliers.
05-sep-2008Added NCDC 5°×5° temperature and precipitation anomaly fields.
04-sep-2008Added GISS 250km temperature anomaly fields.
22-aug-2008Added daily Microwave OI SST.
22-aug-2008All July 2008 data should have been added.
19-aug-2008Fixed a bug that caused the link to unhide the running correlation menu not to work (thanks David Storz).
21-jul-2008Updated Indian precipitation and temperature series, and many other time series. The word "now" refers to "being in the monthly update scheme" in the time series section. I am working on the fields.
21-jul-2008Most June 2008 data have been added.
15-jul-2008Updated GHCN-D daily station data to version 2.0. New variables snow fall and snow depth.
14-jul-2008Fixed a bug that I introcuded a week ago that caused error messages when using some fields.
02-jul-2008Added HadISST1 with NINO indices (thanks Rob W.)
27-jun-2008Due to a format change the GHCN-D dataset was unreachable the last two weeks. Please mail me when something like this happens...
12-jun-2008Most May 2008 data have been added.
21-may-2008CRU data updated to April.
15-may-2008GISS and NCDC global mean temperature, GHCN/CAMS T2m now also available for April. (Phil Jones is downstairs at a workshop and has not yet had time to update the CRU data.)
07-may-2008Moved the starting date of field operations from 1700 to 1500. Please contact me if you have earlier data.
07-may-2008Updated hurricane data to 2007.
06-may-2008Most April 2008 data have been added.
06-may-2008Added ECMWF ORA-S3 ocean reanalysis under "external data" (thanks Magdalena). It even seems to work now, albeit slowly.
04-may-2008Fixed a bug in plotting seasonal fields; DJF was plotted OK, MAM was the same, JJA and SON gave the MAM plots (thanks Marco).
24-apr-2008Added annular mode indices from NCEP and BAS (thanks Matthew).
16-apr-2008All March 2008 data have been added.
21-mar-2008Rewritten the spectra section, significances based on AR(1) processes with the same autocorrelation are now also computed. Only averaging at the moment I am afraid, no filtering.
18-mar-2008Added AMO indices.
17-mar-2008Snow cover data now also available up to February 2008.
13-mar-2008Daily GHCN station data was only partially available from Friday 7 until Tuesday 12 March.
12-mar-2008Updated to February 2008 as far as possible.
06-mar-2008ENSEMBLES monthly atmospheric data works again, added ocean data; working on the daily data.
27-feb-2008Extended TOMS ozone and aerosol data with EP and OMI up to 2007.
22-feb-2008Fixed bug in wavelet transform that caused it to run forever.
11-feb-2008Updated stations and fields to January 2008.
08-feb-2008Added ENSEMBLES daily analyses.
08-feb-2008Fixed the replot option of the seasonal verification pages.
04-feb-2008Due to problems on (on which the blue navigation resides) the server was slow.
30-jan-2008MSU data was accidentally not updated (thanks Warwick).
28-jan-2008Added the possibility to exclude GTS data from GHCN-D daily precipitation as these are often unreliable.
24-jan-2008Series-field correlations now take into account significant serial correlations when determining p-values and error estimates.
24-jan-2008Deleted pentad and annual climate indices.
24-jan-2008Added NCDC global mean temperature, will be updated monthly.
15-jan-2008Added GISS global mean temperature, will be updated monthly.
08-jan-2008Happy New Year to all users! Dec 2007 has been uploaded as far as possible (the R2 server does not respond, so that is still missing). UPDATE: got R2 t2m off the CDC server.
12-dec-2007Fixed a few bugs: huge circles in station maps, no normalized differences, problems with masking series. Due to a slight difference between my test version and the external server.
12-dec-2007Included Nov 2007 data as far as possible.
29-nov-2007GHCN data now includes years with missing data to facilitate export to spreadsheets.
29-nov-2007Reorganized the long list of monthly time series.
29-nov-2007I made a configuration error when moving to a larger data directory; forms did not remember their values and jobs could not be killed the last two days. This should be fixed now.
27-nov-2007The search field (top right) now searches the Climate Explorer rather than the KNMI site. It even seems to work.
27-nov-2007GHCN-D daily station data updated, will be included in monthly update from now on.
27-nov-2007The Climate Explorer had to be rebooted to expand the data directory. Usage has been expanding...
22-nov-2007blended ECA&D daily station is up-to-date again.
22-nov-2007Updated to Oct 2007 where possible.
31-oct-2007Updated fields and station data to Sep2007 where possible.
17-oct-2007Due to a power failure in the computer room the Climate Explorer has been unavailable from 5:15 to 7:45 GMT+2.
27-sep-2007ECA snow depth and cloud cover added.
26-sep-2007ISCCP has been expanded to July 2006, CRU scPDSI field for Europe and USA added.
21-sep-2007The climexp experienced a system crash at 16:00 GMT+2 while the data store was being expanded. It is rebooting, and should be back before 18:00 GMT+2.
13-sep-2007Maps of the area under the ROC curves were not drawn since the beginning of August. Fixed.
29-aug-2007Error: the ECMWF System-3 December hindcasts were off by one month from 30 March 2007 until today.
28-aug-2007Back from holiday without internet, all August data updates have been done.
06-aug-2007Vertical section can sometimes be plotted, ENACT data still has some problems.
03-aug-2007ENACT ocean reanalysis data also available under "External data". Vertical sections can be downloaded, but not yet plotted.
01-aug-2007Hovmuller (time-latitude and time-longitude) plots work again (thanks Reinder).
25-jul-2007You can now use data stored on the ECMWF data server (ENSEMBLES stream 1, Demeter 1980-2001) and the SODA 0.5° ocean reanalysis. Follow the link "External data" in the menu on the right (thanks Paco).
27-jun-2007For ensembles, anomalies with respect to the ensemble mean are introduced (thanks Lianke).
11-jun-2007Monthly GHCN station data is now updated on a regular basis (thanks Lisette).
11-jun-2007Essence Atlantic overturning definition changed.
06-jun-2007Fixed a bug in the generation of a new field by subtraction of a linear regression with a time series; the units were not converted for years excluded from the fit.
23-may-2007Gnuplot was out of action for 12 hours, no line plots. I now use the Red Hat gnuplot, which means a slight change to the line style.
05-apr-2007ECMWF seasonal forecast system-3 hindcasts available.
05-apr-2007Some SODA 1.4.2/3 0.5° ocean reanalysis variables available, more to follow.
30-mar-2007You should be able to plot non-monthly field anomalies now.
29-mar-2007PDF generation also works again (does anybody use that?).
21-mar-2007Netcdf creation also works again, HDF is still broken.
21-mar-2007Seasonal forecast verification and extreme value statistics using R work again (R and nco had gone AWOL with the OS upgrade).
16-mar-2007The Climate Explorer has been upgraded to a new storage and OS and should be much more reliable and faster now. Most analyses seem to work again; please report any tools that do not work to me.
12-mar-2007Fixed another error in the difference between two fields. If a single month or season was chosen, always January or the season starting in January was shown.
12-mar-2007Fixed a few typos in the computation in the errors and probabilities of the difference between two fields. Up to now the errors and hence p-values were much too large..
07-mar-2007Fixed a series of bugs in the handling of decadal fields. Please report remaining problems to me.
07-mar-2007Fixed bug in station list upload.
02-mar-2007Added daily ERA40 SLP.
27-feb-2007Fixed bug in Google Earth export (forgot to respect the requested minimum and maximum contours).
22-jan-2007Added Huug van den Dool's CPC t2m analysis.
18-jan-2007Due to a severe storm today the KNMI web site is very slow, this also affects the Climate Explorer. The situation should be back to normal in the evening (GMT+1). Update: I just learned that our flag has even been blown away.
17-jan-2007Added GPCC V3.1 precipitation analyses and observations, averaged CRU TS 2.1 to 1° and 2.5° resolution.
10-jan-2007Enabled quadratic fits between a time series and a field (to investigate non-linearities in ENSO teleconnections).
08-jan-2007Added EMULATE daily SLP; fixed a bug in correlations between a daily time series and field.
20-dec-2006EOFs can now also be scaled to variance one in either space or time.
6-dec-2006In response to the extraordinarily warm autumn here the extreme value statistics possibilties on (sets of) station data and fields have been greatly expanded, including the possibility to compute return times of one year in the context of the others. Please report bugs to me.
24-nov-2006Added the possibility to mask out parts of maps with p-values larger than a threshold ("significance below a threshold").
23-nov-2006Upgraded world and hemispheric averaged temperatures to HadCRUT3(v).
19-nov-2006Fixed bug in difference of fields (would not plot at all); these now contain error estimates and p-values as well.
18-nov-2006The server has been unstable in the night from Friday to Saturday, we are investigating the cause.
10-nov-2006Field extreme value statistics updated.
7-nov-2006Changed Google Earth export to self-contained kmz files.
1-nov-2006Export fields to Google Earth (and other applications that support KML).
18-oct-2006The Climate Explorer has been unavaliable from 0:45 to 11:15 local time (GMT+2) due to a rotten optical fibre. It was not bad enough to trigger the backup, but bad enough to bring all datacommunication to a halt.
15-oct-2006Fixed a bug in the peak-over-threshold return level maps; the maps showed the level for the return time above threshold, so with a threshold of 80% for 5 times longer return times than indicated.
13-oct-2006HDF generation stopped working. I am investigating why.
12-oct-2006POT extreme value analysis also available for timeseries.
9-oct-2006Added daily, min, max CET
20-sep-2006Added Spencer & Christy's MSU lower troposphere temperatures.
20-sep-2006New monthly tropical cyclone indices and fields based on Kerry Emanuel's data.
19-sep-2006Added TRMM rainfall fields, changed NCEP/NCAR t2m to NCEP/DOE R2. Quite a lot of data is now updated semi-automatically to "now".
6-sep-2006Fixed a bug that caused too high values to be plotted for return values for low extremes (select field; compute mean, s.d., extremes; peak over threshold, threshold < 50%).
6-sep-2006Verification and extreme plots do not have white borders any more.
24-aug-2006Comparisons of station sets with fields work again.
14-aug-2006Updated GDCN to GHCN-D daily station data.
14-aug-2006Added the daily HadGHCND Tmin, Tmax fields.
10-aug-2006The web server has been unable to reach its data again from 29 to 30 july and during a few hours on 10 august.
17-jul-2006Fixed a bug in the verification of precipitation for all grid points in an area (maps were OK).
11-jul-2006Range of years is now indicated on most plots without time axis (request of David Stephenson).
30-jun-2006Due to a typo GHCN stations south of the equator were never found during the last 4 weeks. My excuses to all Australians, South-Americans, southern Africans, Indonesians and Kiwis.
28-jun-2006New experimental seasonal forecast verification page, see right-hand menu.
20-jun-2006Added RAPID and SOAP reconstrcutions of climate from 1500 onwards (thanks to Gerard van der Schrier). Not all routines can handle data that early yet.
09-jun-2006Added perfect model option to the verification routines.
07-jun-2006Experimental: maps of peak over threshold properties and extreme dependence measures implemented in collaboration with Caio Augusto dos Santos Coelhos.
06-jun-2006Until RedHat fixes the (rare) NFS/cluster/gfs/RAID bug the Climate Explorer is under 24/7 surveillance, and some tweaks will be made, so that downtime should be kept to a minimum.
05-jun-2006The has been unavailable from Saturday morning until Monday morning (Dutch time). I have updated the data on the old box, so it can be used as back-up server in case of further problems
30-may-2006Updated CRUTEM and HadCRUT to version 3.
28-may-2006An NFS problem meant the server has again been unavailable from Saturday morning until Monday morning (Dutch time, GMT+2).
10-may-2006A power failure last night followed by a network problem caused 15 hours of unavailability.
09-may-2006Default structure of time series has changed, the comments are now contained in an arbitrary number of lines starting with "#". The old format is still accepted.
25-apr-2006Changed the definition of the BSS and RPSS to include a bias correction term for finite ensemble size.
20-apr-2006Added UKMO (GloSea) seasonal forecasts.
20-apr-2006Scenario data should load faster.
19-apr-2006Added the possibility to leave comments on fields.
12-apr-2006Reinstated the TODO list (request by Andy).
20-mar-2006Reynolds v2 OI SST has had an error (offset of 10 months) for some months, fixed today.
20-mar-2006New ECA data set, many more stations
17-mar-2006The seasonal forecast verification now uses all available observations to define the climatology. Added BSS, RPSS.
12-mar-2006The Climate Explorer has been unavailable for 28 hours due to a problem on the file server (again). This will hopefully be fixed March 16.
16-feb-2006The Climate Explorer has been unavailable for some time due to an error while a security patch was installed.
16-feb-2006Added the possibility to display the positions of stations in Google Earth. This will become more sophisticated when I have more programming time on the train. Due to the limited accuracy of the coordinates in most databases the stations will be off by up to 1km, there are also many errors.
09-feb-2006Extended the old seasonal forecasts of the ECMWF and NCEP, added IRI ECHAM4.5
07-feb-2006Fixed a lot of bugs in the verification routines, they seem to work most of the time now.
23-jan-2006Made the site faster
18-jan-2006Non-anonymous users should see that the "common options" (season, lag, ...) are remembered
18-jan-2006For Moscow minimum temperatures data look under "Daily station data" and search the ECA database
17-jan-2006Added tropical cyclone data from Kerry Emanuel (tracks, vmax, PDI).
16-jan-2006Old server climexp-old OK again (cable was bad).
12-jan-2006Old server climexp-old has problems and is currently unreachable.
03-jan-2006Upped no of Atlantic named storms by one to 27.
23-dec-2005Added Gumbel plots to histogram section
15-dec-2005Fixed EOF routine, plotting netcdf fiels, and fixed 10-yr offset in NCEP/NCAR reanalysis winds at pressure levels
14-dec-2005The new server is now the default one, the old one can be reached as climexp-old
14-dec-2005New plotting options to switch off the grid lines and adjust the lat/lon labels
13-dec-2005The Climate Explorer starts to learn about units and how to convert them to each other. Please e-mail me if you found fields with missing units
13-dec-2005Gradually converting the pages over to KNMI webstyle (more or less)
7-dec-2005Added the possibility to view the difference between two fields, e.g., change between 1961-2000 and 2071-2100 or difference between mean of climate model and reanalysis
2-dec-2005Added 300mb reanalysis fields
1-dec-2005Changing the Climate Explorer to KNMI standard style, hopefully more logical lay-out; please comment
23-nov-2005Changed 1.5° ERA40 precipitation from 0-6hr forecast to 12-24hr forecast
21-nov-2005New verification statistics for ensemble timeseries and fields
08-nov-2005New server is available at (new registration required). 4x faster, 4x more memory, 4x more disk space. Please start using the new one, and report problems to me.
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