X axis: whole world in 72 5.00° steps,
first point at 2.50° E, last point at 357.50° E
Y axis: regular grid with 36 5.00° steps,
first point at 87.50° S, last point at 87.50° N
Monthly data available from Jan1851 to Dec2010 (1920 months)
Variable pdi (power dissipation index) in m3/s2 Full metadata.
Apply monthly high/low-pass filter
Apply year-on-year high/low-pass filter
getfieldtype: please ask the administrator to add "pdi" to the lists in getfieldtype
Please consider downloading this field from the authoritative site.
If you really want to get it here,
MIT PDI is available as
GrADS .ctl and gzipped
files (size 18.9844 MB) Alternatively, you can generate a netCDF file of the same size.