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 Temperature1850-2018 anomalies: HadCRUT5 median, 1850-now HadCRUT4 medianmore information
 1880-now anomalies: GISS 250km, 1200kmmore information
 1880-now anomalies: NOAA v5more information
  1850-now anomalies: HadCRUT4 ,HadCRUT4/HadSST4 filled-in by Cowtan and Waymore information
  1900-2018 anomalies: CMSTmore information
  1850-now: Berkeley 1°more information
Land1850-now anomalies: CRUTEM4, CRUTEM5more information
 1880-now anomalies: GISS 250km, 1200kmmore information
 1880-now anomalies: NCDC v3.2.1more information
 1948-now: CPC GHCN/CAMS t2m analysis (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°more information
 1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.07 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
 1750-now: Berkeley 1°more information
 1900-2018 5° homogenised anomalies: CL-SAT 1.3more information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e Tg (Europe)more information
 1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
 0.25° 1910-2016: ACORN-SAT v2 Tave (Australia)more information
Tmax1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
 1850-now (land): Berkeley 1°more information
 1900-2018 5° homogenised anomalies: CL-SAT 1.3more information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e Tx (Europe)more information
 1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
 1910-2016: ACORN-SAT v2 Tmax, 1910-now: AWAP Tmax (Australia 0.25°)more information
 HadEX2 1901-2010 2.5° monthly: TXx, TXn, TX10p, TX90p, annual: TXx, TXn, TX10p, TX90pmore information
Tmin1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
 1850-now (land): Berkeley 1°more information
 1900-2018 5° homogenised anomalies: CL-SAT 1.3more information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e Tn (Europe)more information
 1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
 0.25° 1910-2016: ACORN-SAT v2 Tmin (Australia)more information
 HadEX2 1901-2010 2.5° monthly: TNx, TNn, TN10p, TN90p, annual: TNx, TNn, TN10p, TN90pmore information
Ground frost days1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
Tmax-Tmin (DTR)1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
SST1870-now: HadISST1 1° reconstructionmore information
 1854-now: NCDC v5 ERSST reconstruction, (v4)more information
 1850-now: Hadley Centre 5° HadSST4.0.0.0, total uncertainty, #obsmore information
 1850-now: Hadley Centre HadSST3.1.1.0 5°more information
 1880-now: 2° ICOADS 3.0 SST, number of obsmore information
 1982-now: 1° NOAA ("Reynolds") OI v2 SSTmore information
 1982-now: 1/4° NOAA OI v2 SST, anomaliesmore information
 1980-now: TAO buoys SST, Air Temperaturemore information
Air Temperature1880-2010: HadNMAT2, anomalies, large-scale uncertainties, (1856-2002 HadMAT1)more information
1800-now: 2° ICOADS 3.0 Tair, number of obsmore information
Lower Troposphere1979-now: Spencer & Christy MSU anomalies v6.0 (v5.6)more information
1978-now: RSS MSU 4.0 TLT, anomalies (3.3, anomalies)more information
Precipitation1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e precip (Europe)more information
 1900-now anomalies: NCDC analysis (land)more information
 1891-2016: GPCC v2020 analysis (land) 2.5°, 1.0°, 0.5°,0.25°, only observations: 2.5°, 1.0°, 0.5°,0.25°, number of gauges 2.5°, 1.0°, 0.5°, 0.25°more information
 1986-now: 1° GPCC monitoring product + first guess (land); only observations, number of gaugesmore information
 1900-now: home-merged 1° GPCC v2020 + monitoring product V6 + first guess (land); , 2.5°, only observations: , 2.5°more information
 1979-now: GPCP v2.3 analysismore information
 1979-now: CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation, with model more information
 2000-now: GPM/IMERG 0.2° precipitationmore information
 1981-now: CHIRPS 0.25° precipitationmore information
 1983-now: CAMSOPI, percentagemore information
 1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
 0.1° 1900-2014: CenTrends v1 (Greater Horn of Africa), 0.25° 1900-now: extended with CHIRPSmore information
 1900-now: AWAP 0.25°, (Australia only)more information
 HadEX2 1901-2010 2.5° monthly: Rx1day, Rx5day, annual: Rx1day, Rx5day, R95p, R99pmore information
OLR1979-now: UMD/NCEI OLRmore information
Sea-level Pressureuse reanalysis data
1899-now: Trenberth's NHmore information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e slp analysis (Europe)more information
 1800-now: 2° ICOADS 3.0 SLP (sea), number of obsmore information
 1850-2004: HadSLP 2.0, 1850-now: HadSLP 2r (interpolated)more information
Surface Solar Radiation1983-"now" EUMETSAT CM-SAF 0.05° surface solar insolation (mainly Europe/Africa)more information
 0.25° 1950-now: E-OBS v25.0e global radiation (Europe)more information
2002-2012 FRESCO v6 0.5° surface solar insolation, more information
Cloud cover1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, , 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
 1800-now: 2° ICOADS 3.0 cloud cover (sea), number of obsmore information
 1982-2019 EUMETSAT CM-SAF 0.25° cloud fractionmore information
Cloud pressure2002-now: FRESCO v6 0.5°, 1°(1996-now: FRESCO+ 0.5° analysis SC-v5.2, 1°)more information
Snow cover1966-now Rutgers University Global Snow Labmore information
Permafrost1901-2001: annual northern hemisphere 1° NSIDC freeze and thaw depths (pseudo-monthly:freeze thaw)more information
Sea ice concentration1978-now: NSIDC Arctic, Antarctic (home-interpolated from v01, pre, nrt)more information
 1981-2013: GSFC Arctic, Antarctic bootstrap analysis v3more information
Sea ice cover1850-now: HadISST2 1°, 1870-now: HadISST1 1°more information
 1981-now: Reynolds OI v2more information
Ocean salinity: 1900-now UKMO EN4 analysis surface, 0-400m, 0-700m, 0-1000m, 0-2000m more information
Sea surface heightCopernicus 1/4° 1993-now sea-level anomalies, dynamic topography, u geostrophic current, v geostrophic currentmore information
ESA CCI 1/4° 1993-2015more information
CLS 1993-2020more information
Heat contentNODC 1955-now: 0-700m, 2005-now: 0-2000mmore information
 1950-now: UKMO EN4 analysis 0-400m, 0-700m, 0-1000m, 0-2000m more information
 1958-2004: SODA 0-750mmore information
Ocean mean temperatureNODC 1955-now: 0-100m, 0-700m, 2005-now: 0-2000mmore information
Gravity2002-now: GRACE land all liquid water equivalentmore information
Z201980-now: TAO buoys z20, heat contentmore information
 1960-now: POAMA/PEODAS reanalysis/analysis z20more information
Windu, v 1800-now: 2° ICOADS 3.0 (sea)more information
 u, v 1980-now: TAO buoys more information
Wind stresstaux, tauy 1800-1997: ICOADS 3.0 pseudostressmore information
 taux, tauy 1980-now: TAO buoys more information
Wind speed1800-1997: ICOADS 3.0 wind speed, wind speed cubed more information
Tropical cyclones1851-2005: 5°×5°TS tracks, TC tracks, vmax, PDI, 0.5°×0.5°tropical storms within 160km, tropical cyclones within 160km (Kerry Emanuel)more information
 1°×1°, 0.2°×0.2° Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (1994-2008, AOML)more information
Ozone concentration1979-now: KNMI multi-sensor re-analysis 2 + gome2bmore information
1979-2007: TOMS analysismore information
Aerosol1979-2005: TOMS aerosol indexmore information
1981-2009: GACP aerosol optical depth (sea)more information
Emissions1980-2007: EMEP SO2 , 2.5°, more information
1980-2007: EMEP NOx , 2.5°, more information
Vegetation index1981-now 0.1°, 0.5° NOAA/NCEI CDR NDVI analysis, home-processedmore information
 1981-2015: 0.25° UMD GIMMS NDVI 3g analysismore information
Drought indexCRU self-calibrating PDSI 1901-2023 0.5° Global 4.08early, 1750-2003 5° Europe, 1800-2003 1/6° Alpsmore information
1850-2018 UCAR Palmer Drought Severity Index self-calibratingmore information
1901-2018: CSIC SPEI drought index 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48 monthsmore information
Soil moistureCLM 1979-2016 ERA-interim 10cm, 1m, rain, evapotranspiration, potential evaporation  
CLM 1979-2013 WFDEI 10cm, 1m, rain, evapotranspiration, potential evaporation 
FLDAS 0.1 ° 1982-2018 0-10cm, 0-40cmmore information
Potential evaporation1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
1980-now: NOAA/PSL 0.5° Reference ET, short crop, long crop, MERRA2-forced ASCE (Penman-Monteith)more information
RunoffG-RUN ENSEMBLE median 1902-2019, ETHZ IACmore information
DischargeGloFAS, Copernicus 1979-now more information
 Humidity1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
Vapour pressure1901-2023: CRU TS 4.08 (land) 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/value, 4.03 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.5°, #/valuemore information
Max vapour pressure deficit1895-now: PRISM 4km, PRISM 0.25°, (Contiguous US only)more information
The date "now" means that I update the field whenever I need it or someone requests it.
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