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Home — Field: HadISST1 ice


HadISST1 ice
more information Monthly version of HadISST sea ice component
X axis: whole world in 360 1.00° steps, first point at 179.50° W, last point at 179.50° E
Y axis: regular grid with 180 -1.00° steps, first point at 89.50° N, last point at 89.50° S

Monthly data available from Jan1870 to May2024 (1853 months)
Variable sic (Monthly 1 degree resolution sea ice concentration) in 1
Full metadata.

Get grid points, average area or generate subset
Mask:   add a mask to the list help
Latitude: °N - °N help
Longitude: °E - °E
Year range: -
Make: average max min set of grid points subset of the field help
Demand at least: % valid points in this region help
helpApply monthly high/low-pass filter
cut-off value months
requiring at least % valid data
helpApply year-on-year high/low-pass filter
cut-off value years
requiring at least % valid data
helpCreate a field with lower time resolution
First fill missing data: ignore, climatology, trend, persistence.
Then apply: -month running mean with direction
Then apply new time scale:
New variable: of ice
Minimum: % valid data
helpCreate a field with lower spatial resolution
Average over blocks of longitude and latitude grid cells
getfieldtype: please ask the administrator to add "sic" to the lists in getfieldtype

Construct a statistical forecast model from this field

Compute anomalies

Compute zonal mean
Please consider downloading this field from the authoritative site.
If you really want to get it here, HadISST1 ice is available as a netcdf file (size 22.1478 MB).
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