Global mean temperatures can be
analysed or
downloaded separately.
The data for individual models are provided at their native resolution. They have been remapped to a regular 192x144 longitude/latitude grid to create the
multi-model datasets that are first provided in the table below. These data have been constructed as follows:
- CMIP6 mean (one member per model): Mean over the 1st member of all models.
- CMIP6 mean: Mean of the ensemble means. For each model, we first compute the mean over its ensemble (ensemble mean). Then we compute the mean over all ensemble means.
- CMIP6 mean over all members: We take all members of all models, then calculate the mean.
If all the models had the same number of members, then "CMIP6 mean" would be equal to "CMIP6 mean over all members". The next three products provide the individual members of each of these CMIP6 means:
- one member per model: members of "CMIP6 mean (one member per model)"
- all models: ensemble mean of each model
- all members: all members available