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Home — Metadata: pr icmip5 Amon GFDL-ESM2M rcp60 35-38.5E -1.5-1.5N


pr icmip5 Amon GFDL-ESM2M rcp60 35-38.5E -1.5-1.5N
Climate Explorer filenamedata/ipr_icmip5_Amon_GFDL-ESM2M_rcp60_35-38.5E_-1.5-1.5N_n_5lan_su_000.dat (temporary, will be deleted 3 days after last use)
Ascii global metadata
description pr [mm/day] Precipitation,
file ./EastAfrica/boxV_SK/
description GFDL-ESM2M rcp60 pr 35-38.5E -1.5-1.5N 5lan ensemble member 0
minimal_valid_fraction 30.00
olderfile CMIP5/monthly/pr/
cdi Climate Data Interface version 1.5.9 (
references The GFDL Data Portal ( provides access to NOAA/GFDL's publicly available model input and output data sets. From this web site one can view and download data sets and documentation, including those related to the GFDL coupled models experiments run for the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report and the US CCSP.
GFDL experiment name = ESM2M-C1_all_historical_HC1. PCMDI experiment name = historical (run1). Initial conditions for this experiment were taken from 1 January of year 1861 of the parent experiment, ESM2M-C1_1700-1860_historical_HC1, which is an unpublished experiment branched from 1 January of year 1 of 1860 control model experiment, ESM2M_pi-control_C1 (piControl). This parent experiment is an extension of piControl except historical transitions of land use are applied from 1700-1860 in order to allow the terrestrial carbon stores to respond to the imposition of land use and produce realistic fluxes by the start of the historical run in 1861. Several forcing agents varied during the 145 year duration of the ESM2M-C1_all_historical_HC1 experiment in a manner based upon observations and reconstructions for the late 19th and 20th centuries. The aerosol concentrations were computed by an off-line model. The time varying forcing agents include the well-mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, halons), tropospheric and stratospheric O3, aerosol concentrations (sulfate, black and organic carbon, sea salt, dust), volcanic aerosols, solar irradiance and land use transitions. The direct effect of tropospheric aerosols is calculated by the model, but not the indirect effects.
parent_experiment_rip r1i1p1
cdo Climate Data Operators version 1.5.9 (
institution KNMI Climate Explorer and NOAA GFDL(201 Forrestal Rd, Princeton, NJ, 08540)
institute_id NOAA GFDL
project_id CMIP5
table_id Table Amon (31 Jan 2011)
experiment_id historical+rcp60
realization 1
modeling_realm atmos
tracking_id 77b1eeac-90e7-401e-b1d6-7693c32bcd1f
gfdl_experiment_name ESM2M-HC1_2006-2100_all_rcp60_YC1
creation_date 2011-08-15T12:02:56Z
model_id GFDL-ESM2M
branch_time 52925
experiment RCP6
forcing GHG,SD,Oz,LU,SS,BC,MD,OC (GHG includes CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12, HCFC22, CFC113)
frequency mon
initialization_method 1
parent_experiment_id historical
physics_version 1
product output1
source GFDL-ESM2M 2010 ocean: MOM4 (MOM4p1_x1_Z50_cCM2M,Tripolar360x200L50); atmosphere: AM2 (AM2p14,M45L24); sea ice: SIS (SISp2,Tripolar360x200L50); land: LM3 (LM3p7_cESM,M45)
ave_region lon= 35.000 37.500, lat= -2.022 2.022
title spatial statistic of NOAA GFDL GFDL-ESM2M, RCP6 (run 1) experiment output for CMIP5 AR5 r1i1p1
history 2024-07-03 22:29:55 netcdf2dat ./EastAfrica/boxV_SK/
2019-01-15 17:10:02 bin/dat2nc data/icmip5_pr_Amon_GFDL-ESM2M_rcp60_35-38.5E_-1.5-1.5N_n_5lan_su_000.dat i GFDL-ESM2M_rcp60_pr_35-38.5E_-1.5-1.5N_5lan_ensemble member 0 data/
2019-01-15 17:06:24 bin/get_index CMIP5/monthly/pr/ 35 38.5 -1.5 1.5 dipole no minfac 30 nearest lsmask CMIP5/fixed/ 5lan nomissing standardunits cmip5_pr_Amon_GFDL-ESM2M_rcp60_35-38.5E_-1.5-1.5N_n_5lan_su_+++
Wed Mar 27 19:30:32 2013: cdo -f nc4 -z zip copy ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/GFDL-ESM2M/r1i1p1/
File was processed by fremetar (GFDL analog of CMOR). TripleID: [exper_id_vP7w16G9pf,realiz_id_RltE7lCPjj,run_id_HtkCvt60OR]
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