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Home — Metadata: pr icmip5 Amon HadGEM2-ES rcp60 38-43E 8-13N


pr icmip5 Amon HadGEM2-ES rcp60 38-43E 8-13N
Climate Explorer filenamedata/ipr_icmip5_Amon_HadGEM2-ES_rcp60_38-43E_8-13N_n_5lan_su_+++.dat
first ensemble memberdata/ipr_icmip5_Amon_HadGEM2-ES_rcp60_38-43E_8-13N_n_5lan_su_000.dat (temporary, will be deleted 3 days after last use)
Ascii global metadata of first ensemble member
description pr [mm/day] Precipitation,
file EastAfrica/boxII_EE/
description HadGEM2-ES rcp60 pr 38-43E 8-13N 5lan ensemble member 0
minimal_valid_fraction 30.00
olderfile CMIP5/monthly/pr/
cdi Climate Data Interface version 1.5.9 (
references Bellouin N. et al, (2007) Improved representation of aerosols for HadGEM2. Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, Technical Note 73, March 2007; Collins W.J. et al, (2008) Evaluation of the HadGEM2 model. Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, Technical Note 74,; Johns T.C. et al, (2006) The new Hadley Centre climate model HadGEM1: Evaluation of coupled simulations. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No. 7, pages 1327-1353.; Martin G.M. et al, (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model, HadGEM1 - Part 1: Model description and global climatology. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No.7, pages 1274-1301.; Ringer M.A. et al, (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model, HadGEM1 - Part 2: Aspects of variability and regional climate. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, Vol. 19, No. 7, pages 1302-1326.
cdo Climate Data Operators version 1.5.9 (
institution KNMI Climate Explorer and Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK, (
institute_id MOHC
experiment_id historical+rcp60
model_id HadGEM2-ES
forcing GHG, Oz, SA, LU, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG,global,o,s,CO2, N2O, CH4, CFCs)
parent_experiment_id historical
parent_experiment_rip r2i1p1
branch_time 52560.0
initialization_method 1
physics_version 1
tracking_id 88dc42a9-d049-44a0-93c0-4b992e38f827
mo_runid kaade
product output
experiment RCP6
frequency mon
creation_date 2011-09-21T15:58:29Z
project_id CMIP5
table_id Table Amon (26 July 2011) 976b7fd1d9e1be31dddd28f5dc79b7a1
parent_experiment historical
modeling_realm atmos
realization 2
cmor_version 2.7.1
source HadGEM2-ES (2009) atmosphere: HadGAM2 (N96L38); ocean: HadGOM2 (lat: 1.0-0.3 lon: 1.0 L40); land-surface/vegetation: MOSES2 and TRIFFID; tropospheric chemistry: UKCA; ocean biogeochemistry: diat-HadOCC
ave_region lon= 38.438 42.188, lat= 8.125 13.125
title spatial statistic of HadGEM2-ES model output prepared for CMIP5 RCP6 r2i1p1
history 2024-07-03 22:13:27 netcdf2dat EastAfrica/boxII_EE/
2019-01-14 15:05:47 bin/dat2nc data/icmip5_pr_Amon_HadGEM2-ES_rcp60_38-43E_8-13N_n_5lan_su_000.dat i HadGEM2-ES_rcp60_pr_38-43E_8-13N_5lan_ensemble member 0 data/
2019-01-14 15:04:25 bin/get_index CMIP5/monthly/pr/ 38 43 8 13 dipole no minfac 30 nearest lsmask CMIP5/fixed/ 5lan nomissing standardunits cmip5_pr_Amon_HadGEM2-ES_rcp60_38-43E_8-13N_n_5lan_su_+++
Wed Mar 27 19:31:46 2013: cdo -f nc4 -z zip copy pr/ ethz/cmip5/rcp60/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/rcp60/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/rcp60/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/rcp60/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/rcp60/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ pr/ nWed Mar 27 14:47:01 2013: cdo -f nc4 -z zip seldate,1850-01-01,2005-11-31 pr/ pr/ nWed Mar 27 14:00:04 2013: cdo -f nc4 -z zip copy ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ ethz/cmip5/historical/Amon/pr/HadGEM2-ES/r2i1p1/ pr/ nMOHC pp to CMOR/NetCDF convertor (version 1.7.0) 2011-03-31T12:20:28Z CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF standards and CMIP5 requirements.
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